The Sweet Taste Of Rejection

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The Sweet Taste Of Rejection
Nhica Moico

 The Second Book Of My Husband's Lover

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jace flared back.

"Would it make any difference, Jace?" I shot.

He took a step forward, but my stance didn't falter. "Maybe. Maybe if you told me, it had made a difference after all."

I shook my head, "No, it wouldn't"

"How do you know that?!"  he said, his voice hard. His eyes was tensed, as he stepped forward again. 

I promised myself that I wouldn't fall for this, never again. 



A different Amy Smith is back and she no longer known as the girl who was stepped on all the time. She was Amy Smith who will shake Jace Johnson's life till he came begging for her. Till he beg for her mercy and get down on his knees. 

She will make him pay, and she would do it the painful way. She was going to take whatever she wanted from him. But what would happen if he wanted the same thing from her? Have her kicking and screaming just to make his again? But this time it was going to be different, Jace and Amy are both hungry for revenge. 

And you can only find that out on "The Sweet Taste Rejection"


Hey Guys! Here is the second book of "My Husband's Lover"

For those who wanted to read this, you must read the first book which is "My Husband's Lover" 

Please enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote for this one and do tell me if I should write it ;D 


Nhica xx

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