Chapter Thirty-Five

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A week had gone by and I still hadn’t heard from Asher. I spent the majority of the week crying in my bed. My father and brother assumed it was because I still couldn’t handle what had happened with my mother. However that was a reason but I was more heartbroken over Asher than anything else. How could I be so selfish? I needed to fix things with him but I couldn’t do that until I talked to the cops about what had happened when my mother kidnapped me.

So here I was, standing outside the police station with my father and brother. I was afraid to go inside and tell them everything. They already knew Mitchell’s side of the story, what they needed now was my side of things. I took a deep breath and walked into the police office behind my family. The office looked just how you would think it looked, police running around, donuts on the table, benches with people who were arrested handcuffed to them. The place was organized but there were still papers lying around on the desks of the busy officers. The lights were brighter than the ones that they use for the lighting in the schools, the floors were covered in white tile with a few coffee stain on them.

I looked around and wondered what they did behind the closed doors that didn’t say storage or police chief or bathrooms, soon enough I would know. They’re interrogation rooms and those are for when they’re trying to convict people or get them to fess up to a crime they did or didn’t commit. I was about to be interrogated, like a criminal. We’re they trying to get me to tell them that my mom didn’t kidnap me, that I made it all up?

“This way,” the officer who was leading us to where we were supposed to go said.

We passed the interrogation room and instead ended up going into the chief of polices office. I guess they weren’t trying to get me to tell them I made it all, which I hadn’t to begin with. The officer opened the door and gestured me to sit down in the chair in front of the desk that he went to sit behind. The officer looked like a typical police officer, he had one of those mustaches that you picture all cops having. He had a bit of a belly but it wasn’t a beer or donut belly, it just looked like he was getting stressed out and letting himself go a little.

“Kendall my name is officer Daniels.” He said as he sat down and pulled out a box of donuts.

“Would you like one?” he asked as he set the donuts on the desk.

 “No thank you, I already ate.” I’m sorry but I don’t want to take the mans donuts.

“Okay, so I need you to go step by step and tell me exactly what happened starting from the day your mom kidnapped you.” Officer Daniels pulled out a tape-recorded and pressed record, “take your time.” He said.

“My dad was out of town for a business trip. I came home from school with my friend Asher and I found a note from my mother –“ before I could finish officer Daniels interrupted me.

“Do you still have the note?” the officer questioned

“Its somewhere in my house.” I said

“okay, well we will need you to bring that down to the station for evidence.”

“Okay, like I was saying, I found the note from my mother and I freaked out and started crying. Asher was there to comfort me and he ended up saying the night because I was afraid to be alone. The next day he asked me to go on a date with him. So he left and an hour later I thought that it was him who was at the door but when I opened the door I was knocked out by a big man and then thrown into a van.” I took a deep breath as the tears fell down my face.

I explained the rest of what happened to the officer through tears and I was hoping that he understood but he never stopped me to ask me to repeat something or to stop crying and get over myself. When I finally finished the officer just thanked me and told me that he would let me know if they found anything about my mother’s whereabouts.

We got up and walked out of the police station. I was clutching a tissue in my hand that didn’t look like a tissue anymore. My father sat there patting my back and telling me that everything was going to alright and that my mother can’t get to me anymore but as soon as we walked out of the police station, you’d never guess who was standing right in front of us.


Sorry that it's really short but the next chapter will be longer and I'll try to update as soon as possible but I'm swamped with classes at the moment so please please please please be paitent. Oh btw any guesses on who it is? 

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