Escaping from Hell aka Chapter 1

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(Bailey's Wolf Jinx)

Bailey's POV

I woke up to a pounding noise ringing through out my small room, the sound was giving me a headache.
I look up to see my door being broke off its hinges and there stood the man I call my father.
His eyes were a dark color and he was shaking with anger.
Today was going to be the worst when it comes to beatings, today was the day my brother died.
It was all my fault and my parents nor my pack were going to let me forget it.

My father came over and screamed in my ear, " THIS WAS ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU SHOULD OF DIED. HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE NEXT HEAD TRACKER. BUT NO YOU KILLED HIM YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH!" His words brought tears to my eyes, I know I should be numb to his words by now, but the mention of my brother made my heart bleed and what he was saying was true, all of it.
He reached for my hair and pulled me down the stairs to the basement, his rough grip made me whimper and shake.

We passed pack members, some of them were smirking and some of their eyes held satisfaction.
Satisfaction that I was finally going to get what I deserved.

He dragged me down to the basement, this was the place that haunted my nightmares. The chair with chains and weapons that lined the wall.

I was roughly thrown into the chair and slapped several times before my hands were too tightly chained into the bloodied handcuffs.

I was then hit, kicked and slapped for hours but I knew this was just the beginning, he would take the rest of his anger out later.

When he left more pack members came in and told me how much I deserved this and also showed me their anger for my brothers death.

After awhile of being alone and thinking of how I should of tried harder to save him and fought, but no I had be weak and run.
I was weak then just as I still am now, I was dragged from my thoughts just as my father and mother came back. My mother went immediately to the whip, Callum was always their favorite and I was just supposed to offer more pups to the pack. I let out painful screams and howls as the whip cracked on my back repeatedly, and soon enough my father joined in with his fists.

After about two hours my mom left but not before I earned a laugh for my pitiful cries and a slap to my cheek.

My father got a small dagger from the wall which was his favorite.
He knelt by my ear and whispered in my ear, "I want you to die for how you killed your brother but not before I have some fun."
And with that a knife was plunged into my shoulder making me scream so bad my throat was bleeding and I was coughing up blood.
Before long my vision started to darken and I knew I was going to finally feel peace from this pain.

Jinx we are finally going to find peace.(Jinx is Bailey's wolf)

No Bailey we can't give up we haven't found our mate.

Jinx its alright, besides there is probably someone out there better for them.

This was my last thought before my father's evil smirk faded into darkness.


1:00 Am

I screamed and cried as the darkness faded, it was the only peace I had felt in seven years.
The darkness faded and I woke up in a searing pain that can only be described as acid on skin.
I felt wetness on my cheek and realized I was crying, sobs racked my body only causing me more pain.

About twenty minutes later I finally found the strength to hobble my way back up to my room.
When I looked in my mirror I cried at the site. My face was beaten to a pulp, barely recognizable.
My shirt was ripped, but what scared my the most was written in bloody cuts across my stomach was murderer. This was all to much, I can't live like this anymore, if I can even call it living.

I packed up my small amount of clothes and a picture of my brother and me when we were younger.
I painfully made it down the stairs and out the door.
Once I got outside I painfully shifted into my wolf Jinx. She is the only thing I love about my self.
Jinx is a small grayish-navy blueish wolf with dark piercing silver eyes.
She is a little smaller but that makes her a very fast runner with a lot of stamina.
Once I shift, I let Jinx take over and we take off and I know that we will be safe because she will not stop running until I am as far away from that pack as possible.

After awhile I shift back into human and walk a little. I haven't healed and am still in a lot of pain but Jinx needed a break and I was happy to give it to her. She had gotten us about six hours away from our old pack and for once I finally felt safe.

I needed some rest so I found a big oak tree and lied under it using my bag as a pillow.


When I woke up the next morning nothing had healed yet and if possible everything hurt a little worse, but I would never stop running away from them. I wanted to be as far away as possible and never ever wanted to be found.

I decided to shift so I could cover more ground, we were walking a bit when I heard loud growls behind me and I saw three giant wolves chasing after me. I took off running as fast as possible.
I could hear that I was loosing them, I looked back, but lost my footing and fell over a tree root. And next thing I know I am being surrounded by some of the biggest wolves I have ever seen.

I know this book is probably really bad but please vote and comment and give me feedback so I know how to make it a better story.

Quote of the chapter: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.

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