Chapter VIII

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Ronny put his hand over his face to cover it from the shotgun. The man laughed, as he lowered his gun. "Get up. Stop making me feel sorry for you" the man said. Ronny slowly got out of the trunk. He looked around and saw that every biter was dead. They piled on the street. Before he could see where Sarah, Julie and Patrick were, the man pushed him to the ground. Then two other men dragged him away from the cars. Ronny looked at them and saw they all had one thing in common -- their leather jackets. Ronny immediately searched for Patrick. There were many bikers. Ronny counted eighteen.

As Ronny searched for Patrick, Gavin was thrown on the ground next to Ronny. One of the bikers pulled him to his knees. Gavin said, "That bastard lied to us. They've been following us. Damnit Ronny. I told you we should have left him behind". Ronny said, "I did the humane thing". Then Sarah was dragged over to Ronny and Gavin. When she saw Gavin and Ronny next to her, she gave them a look of hopelessness.

The sun began to set when a biker said to the man who had his gun aimed on Ronny, "One got away. We can't find her". The man replied, "Damnit, keep looking"!

The man looked at Ronny, "What are you doing here"? Ronny just looked at him. The man said, "I've never seen you before. What's your name"? Ronny didn't respond. The man said, "C'mon now. Don't be difficult with me boy. A little bit of cooperation would be much appreciated". Ronny still didn't respond. A biker standing near Ronny pointed his gun at Ronny and said, "Do as the boss says before we --". The man said, "Owen, put your gun away. This man is already in enough stress as it is. Let him have some time". Owen stepped back and put his gun away. Then the man knelt down in front of Ronny and said, "All I want is your name, son. Look if it makes you feel better, my name is Zack". Ronny could smell Zack's breath. Zack said, "Now, whats your name"? Ronny looked into Zack's jet black eyes. "Ronny".

Zack laughed and said, "See now that wasn't so hard". He stood up and walked a few feet away from Ronny. Zack said, "Now Ronny, I'm sorry that we had to meet this way. I honestly think you're a good person, I do. My boy Patrick told me that you saved him. So your reward is, I won't kill you. However, for the rest of your group, well they're not as lucky". Zack looked at Gavin and then at Sarah. Zack said to Gavin, "Where's the others"? Gavin said, "It's just us four". Zack said, "Don't play stupid with me. Where's the rest of your group"?

Ronny looked at Zack as he was yelling at Gavin. His leather jacket had sleeves, unlike the rest. It was lined with fur. Zack looked like he was aging, probably in his fifties. The wrinkles forming on his face made him look as though he was always mad.

Zack took out a switch blade and put it to Gavin's neck, "Where are they"? Gavin slid his neck along the blade just hard enough for blood to be exposed. He remained silent. Zack looked at the rest of the bikers and laughed, "This man, right here, has balls". He slowly walked over to Sarah and then put the blade to her neck, "But let's see how much balls she has". Gavin yelled, "Don't hurt her"! He tried standing up but the bikers pushed him down. Zack laughed and said, "Everyone has a weakness. Now, listen to me Gavin. All you have to do is tell me where your group is". Gavin lowered his head, "Maryville. They're set up at the outskirts of Maryville".

Zack put away his switchblade and said, "Now that wasn't so hard". Zack looked at the bikers and said, "Let's load them up". As Zack walked away, Ronny heard a thud. He looked to his left and saw that Sarah was slouched over. As they dragged her away, they hit Gavin in the back of the head with the butt of their gun. Before Ronny could do anything, everything went black.

When he woke up, he had a bag over his head. He could tell that he was in a car because he felt it shake when it hit a bump. He listened carefully for anyone speaking however it remained silent the whole road trip.

After what seemed like an hour of driving, the car stopped and someone got out of the car. Ronny still listened for anyone to speak. He heard someone say, "Go get the rats". Ronny assumed he was a rat. Then he heard his car door open and someone pulled him out and on to the ground. They ripped the bag off of his head and dragged him. As they dragged him, Ronny looked around.

It was a camp. It looked like a normal community. There were families with little kids. Everyone was cheerful unlike the men who were serious. The camp was at the edge of the road. It was surrounded by pointed pieces of logs. A massive campfire was at the center of camp. The elderly were either washing clothes or taking care of the children, while the mothers were cooking or cutting wood. The men were obviously the guards and the bikers.

As Ronny observed the camp, a biker pushed him to keep moving. He walked into the forest toward an abandoned police van. One biker unlocked the back of the van and told Ronny to get in. Ronny looked inside and saw Gavin, Sarah and someone else who was on their side, concealing their face. Ronny got in as the biker immediately slammed the door behind him. The wall between the front and back seat was blocked off by a metal sheet welded on. The only light that was in the van was the light that crept in through the many bullet holes in the side of the van. It was just enough light for Ronny to see everyone. Ronny looked at the person slumped over. They got up and Ronny realized that it was Julie. Ronny asked, "What happened"? Julie said, "It doesn't matter. All that matters is, the group is coming. They're ready to fight". Ronny asked, "You made it to the group"? She nodded her head. " I was captured on purpose".

Later, that evening, an elderly lady opened the van. She was cheerful and innocent. She was carrying a plastic bag and said, "You all must be starving. Here, I brought you all some food". She smiled as she handed Ronny the bag. Just then a biker said, "What are you doing? We told you these people are dangerous". The old lady said, "Well they don't look dangerous". The biker grabbed the bag from Ronny and said, "C'mon, let's go". The lady said, "No! Not until you give these kids their food back". The biker looked at the old lady who became upset and then at Ronny and everyone else.

The biker grudgingly gave Ronny the bag back and shut the door. Ronny opened the bag. Inside were plastic containers. Within the containers were chunks of meat. No one knew where the meat came from, but because the lady offered it to them and the fact that they were all hungry, they all ate it.

As everyone began to fall asleep, Zack walked up to the van that Ronny was in and said, "I can't wait until we find your group, then I'll be able to reveal our secret guest". He began to laugh and walked away. Ronny became nervous from wondering who it could be. However, he managed to fall asleep.

Later that night, he woke up to the van shaking violently as he saw Zack drag Gavin out. Then he started hitting Gavin as hard as he could. Once Gavin was on the ground, Zack kicked him. Ronny saw Zack was holding a bottle of Hennessy. Without saying a word, Zack continued to hit and kick Gavin until he was breathing heavy. After a moment to catch his breath, he threw Gavin back into the van and slammed the door. While Ronny felt bad for Gavin, he felt like Karma came back to Gavin for beating up Shaun back at the office in Seattle. Ronny and Gavin looked at each other as Gavin rolled over to try and fall back to sleep.

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