Superstitious Quiz

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S U P E R S T I T I O U S     Q U I Z

Hey everyone! Once again, it’s live4books1410 (you just can’t get rid of me---but don’t worry, this is just temporary) and Amy? OK, so Amy’s been a little bit busy, so I’ll be taking over after the first four questions, ‘kay?

This quiz will tell you how well you know your superstitions! Are you the kind of person who doesn’t bother? Or the kind who would freak out if they spilled a bit of salt? Go on to find out!

And the quiz begins in 3… 2… 1…


1.     Which of these is good luck?

A)    Walking under a ladder

B)    A black cat crossing your path

C)    A rabbits foot

D)   Breaking a mirror

2. Which isn’t considered good luck to eat?

A)    Lucky Charms

B)    Twelve grapes at midnight

C)    Fish

D)   Donuts and bagels and ring shaped stuff

3.     What flower will you hold under someone’s nose to find out if they love butter?

A)    Buttercup

B)    Rose

C)    Daffodil

D)   Tulip

4.     If you get a feeling of burning of tingling in your ears, someone is…

A)    Thinking of you

B)    Talking about you

C)    Missing you

D)   Hating you

5.     For a happy marriage, which of the following does the bride NOT need to wear?

A)    Something white

B)    Something old

C)    Something borrowed

D)   Something blue

6.     What will try to take the breath from a baby?

A)    A dog

B)    A cat

C)    A bird

D)   A fox

7.     Smell dandelions…

A)    Wet your pants

B)    Spill your drink

C)    Wet the bed

D)   Sneeze

8.     Why do you throw the spilled salt over your left shoulder?

A)    To blind the devil who is waiting

B)    To blind the demons who are waiting

C)    To blind the evil spirits who are waiting

D)   To clean up the table

9.     What is a shoe on the table associated with?

A)    Death

B)    Illness

C)    Bad luck

D)   Good luck

10. How many crows symbolize death?

A)    Four

B)    Seven

C)    Six

D)   Thirteen


1.     C

2.     A

3.     A

4.     B

5.     A

6.     B

7.     C

8.     A

9.     A

10.     C

If you got…

0-4- Superstition Scoffer! You’re probably the kind of person who’d laugh at your friends getting freaked out by the black cat crossing the road.

5-7- Slightly Superstitious! You probably don’t go the whole length with the whole ‘spit on the floor thrice’ thing, but you do get slightly nervous when you break a mirror…

8 and above- Super Superstitious! You probably can’t stand seeing crows or black cats anywhere! You live and breathe superstitions!

So that’s it for this time! See ya around, peeps!

~Amy and Alexa sign off!

Spazzy Magazine September 2013Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon