03 • Lindsay Holmes

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	"Hey, Eva!" Lindsay Holmes, a girl from Eva's class who had her hair always tied in ridiculously tidy pigtails, called

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"Hey, Eva!" Lindsay Holmes, a girl from Eva's class who had her hair always tied in ridiculously tidy pigtails, called.

Eva looked up from where she was sitting by herself during break time, and saw Lindsay running towards her, her pigtails flying funnily behind her.

"Are you coming to the school trip?"

"No," Eva shook her head.

Lindsay's eyes grew big. "But we're going to the aquarium!" she exclaimed, shocked that Eva wouldn't go.

Eva shrugged, not really one for talking too much. She was used to the silence, anyway. Her parents barely spoke at home. Unless it was her dad complaining about something her mother did wrong, which was then followed by the chaos Eva's entire being had grown so accustomed to that she didn't even consider it chaos anymore.

"So why aren't you going?" Lindsay pushed, ever so curious.

"Pa said he wouldn't pay for it," Eva shrugged. And Eva, though not a girl of many words, had a tendency to be blunt.

Lindsay's cheeks grew warm. "What about your mum then?" she asked, seeming embarrassed to have asked Eva now.

Eva frowned. What on earth was this girl on about? "How can mum pay?" she asked, confused.

"Doesn't your Mum work?" Lindsay gawked, even more shocked now.

Eva's interest was piqued. "I didn't know mums worked. My Mum doesn't."

Lindsay scoffed. "My mum works, everyone's mum works! Didn't ya know?"

But Eva didn't know. And so Eva said nothing. She didn't know her Mum wasn't independent like most other women, and that her Mum was uneducated, which in turn helped give her father the upper hand.

But that day on, Eva wondered if perhaps there were things she didn't know. Didn't all homes operate like hers did?

Eva was beginning to get confused, and as her confusion grew, so did her tendency to question things.

written on; 10th February 2016


*disclaimer* there's nothing wrong with being a house wife and not actually working and its not true when little Lindsay says "all mums work". She's a kid -- its a kid speaking.

I just wanted to point out how clueless and isolated from the outside world Eva is. And this is one of the major reasons so many abusive homes go unnoticed or overlooked. Because people aren't educated about their rights or the world outside the four walls of their house.

The Girl That Care Forgot ✓Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα