Just What I Needed (48)

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When things finally work themselves out, a sort of freedom comes with it. It doesn't matter that only the smallest fraction has been sorted through, leaving a tangle of emotions and problems untouched behind, that feeling of the stones lifted off your chest is still there.

And that was something Keely had learnt.

Yes, she wouldn't dare think about her grandparents that had spoken their first words to her in years, but that didn't mean that the light sensation wasn't real.

Feeling quite calm, as if cut off from the rest of the world, Keely just remained in spot, strumming the acoustic guitar she'd brought in her trek about the city.

She didn't want to stay locked up in that hotel room for another day, and with the urge to write a song, she'd grabbed her notebook and guitar before heading out the door. Cities such as these were the best places to get inspired, you could see anything as you walked through it, there was everything from the great to the bad. It just depended where you looked.

At that moment she'd stopped wandering, and was sitting on a stone wall. Her jean clad legs were dangling over the edge above the stones that the ocean lapped onto, behind her a large grassy knoll with the a bench at the top where there was a couple in what had to be their eighties holding hands and looking at the gently swaying boats tied to the wooden docks. But they seemed far away, in fact everything seemed far away. No one was walking behind her on the little path, no one sitting near her and there was just salt water rippling in front of her until it lead to the gleaming buildings underneath the sun.

It was still rather chilly, but Keely found if she stayed in the sunlight, as she was doing now, instead of in the shade of the city buildings, she stayed much warmer. In the plain white sweater, she started strumming those few chords again.

Pursing her lips slightly when something was off, she brushed the lock of hair that had escaped the messy ponytail out of her eyes.

Being outside and writing a song was nice, it let her thoughts move easier than she could when locked up in a tiny hotel room or the makeshift dressing rooms that you could hear the music from the person on stage. Writing the bus wasn't easy either, especially when one of the boys always seemed to be doing something tremendously stupid.

She already had a title in mind, Keely couldn't say where it had come from, but it was stuck in her head. Breaking Time. Usually she would write the music, then the lyrics would come and finally the title, this was different. But she liked it, and wasn't about to push it away when song writing hadn't been coming so easily of late.

“I'd try going into a minor chord if I were you.”

Closing her eyes, she just shook her head, not needing to see Seth to recognize his voice. “You know, this whole thing with finding me all across this city is getting a little creepy.”

“I was actually designated to find you this time.”

“Hm?” asked Keely absently, “For what?”

“Doesn't matter.”

Hearing the movement beside her, Keely sent a hasty look to the side from beneath her lashes to see Seth swinging his long legs over beside her, his own guitar case in hand. Returning her gaze to the water as she strummed the chords again.

“So about your-”

Before he could even finish the sentence she hastily cut him off, “I don't want to talk about it.”

Careful not to get too in touch with her clumsy nature, Keely swung her legs over the thick stone wall so she was facing him. “You said a minor chord, right?” she asked, crossing her legs in front of her as she propped her guitar on her lap.

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