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Go, go, go.

They taunt, they accuse, they whisper relentlessly in my ears when I'm at work, before I go to sleep- and even then, I see them all in my new dreams, full of colour and terrifying because of it.

You let us go, go, go. They moan like spirits in my head, wailing, filling my mind with the cacophonous complaints of the dead. Now that Project Chrysalis has begun its interweaving path into the system, I shouldn't have to worry about them anymore. Chrysalis will save me from them, from failure.

But first, I need to be cleansed.

"Thank you." With the voices still buzzing about in my head, I retract my arm from the scanning device and allow a young man to lead me into one of the medical rooms. I've been putting this off for so long that it gives me some sort of relief to be able to walk to a medic and open up to them.

At a desk and holding a black pen sits a man of about my age, a white laboratory coat wrapped around him and three blue pens sticking out of his breast pocket. "Have a seat," he says, waving me over and I do so, pulling out the stool and sitting opposite him, watching him as he fills out a form. It takes him another five minutes before he signs it and sets the piece of paper aside, then turning his attention to me with a smile. "Apologies," he begins. "That was just... for another client."

I shake my head, refuting his apology. "It's quite alright. I understand."

I receive another quick smile from him before he pulls out a notepad and puts his pen to the paper. "Tell me, then, why you came to pay me a visit. I understand it's urgent- Vance, given that I'm not your usual doctor- so tell me, why did you come to me? Surely you know that only our best and most experienced doctors take care of the high council."

My leg becomes jittery underneath his open desk, my hands fiddling with each other in my lap. "I decided I needed a more professional opinion when it comes to regular civilians."

"Are you sure? I'm afraid I won't be as goo-"

"You save people's lives, that's good enough for me." I don't hesitate in my interruption, because I need to be clean before the next council meeting, and I can't afford to be persuaded to go to my usual doctor, who would with no doubt release any diagnosis to the council for evaluation.

"I don't save people's lives," he answers flatly. "That was what the ancients did, out of sentiment. I help people recover, I help to psychologically alter bad people, and I help with both bad and good diagnoses. My job is not to save people's lives, but rather to better, shall we say, citizens with problems, in order for Tetrahmon to continue being a functional, beautiful society."

Right. Keep it together. "Of course."

Clearing his throat, he straightens the lapels of his lab coat and looks up at me again. "Now, back to the purpose of why you're here in the first place..."

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