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C H A P T E R  F I F T E E N




I would've been convinced that last night was a dream too good to be true had I not opened my eyes and found Anna smiling down at me. My head was nestled on her shoulder, one of my legs cushioned between hers, her arm around my torso.

"Good morning." Anna's voice came in a soft croon.

"Hey," I said and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

Anna leaned down to kiss the top of my head before I sat up and disentangled myself from her.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said with a nod and walked over to my closet, as naked as the day I'd been born. I felt a little self-conscious in front of Anna even though she'd already seen me naked last night. I felt so much more exposed in the morning light.

I reached for the nearest large shirt my hands stumbled upon and the subsequent underwear and bed shorts.

"Aw, I'm going to miss the view," Anna said from her position on the bed. I felt blood rush to my cheeks and I shook my head at her.

I walked back over to the bed to get my spectacles and once they were perched in their usual place on my nose, I reached for a hair tie and managed to tie my messy hair into a sort of ponytail.

Anna watched me with avid fascination, still naked from where she sat. My duvet covered her lower half but her entire torso was exposed.

For a moment, my eyes lingered on her breasts and memories of them pressed tightly against my own returned to me and I felt another flow of blood rush to my cheeks.

"Like what you see?" Anna asked with a teasing tone.

I shrugged, "it's alright."

Anna rolled her eyes but her smile remained.

"I'm going to take a shower, please preheat the oven for me?"

"You're going to bake?"

Anna nodded, " I think it's about time we make use of that bran muffin mix in the pantry."

I nodded, "I agree."

When Anna made her way down to the kitchen, she greeted me with a kiss against the nape of my neck and hugged me from behind.

We baked in an easy, comfortable silence and had the bran muffins with tea and sliced strawberries and Parmalat custard for breakfast.

Anna helped me revise for my English literature test on Macbeth later that afternoon while we were in the living room.

My legs rested in her lap while she held my booklet of contextual questions and I held my copy of Macbeth and read out quotes that I thought best went with the question.

She was a great help to me because I absolutely loathed Shakespeare but she loved him and she made it easy for me to engage with the material.

The way she spoke about Shakespeare's apparent genius while she delved into the various themes and motifs of Macbeth was endearing to watch and insightful to hear of.

The rest of the weekend passed by in a similar manner. We talked and read and cooked and every night, Anna slept in my bed with me and was generous with her affection. She cuddled and kissed me at regular intervals.

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