DRUIDS-BANE 'Druids-Bane'

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Part Six     3500 BC     "Druids-Bane"

     In one of the many glenns of the northland the five young Druids finally met warriors sent by the General of the High King to hunt them down. It was two weeks after the autumnal equinox, when the Druids told the people that Alban Elfed was upon them. A holiday held because nighttime was the same length as daytime. They told the people of Erie that the long nights were upon them and winter would be upon the land soon. As if the people could not tell for themselves through the cold nights and colder mornings. But they enjoyed the holiday just the same.

     The boys were traveling through the woodlands of a narrow valley which had walls on both sides too steep to climb. There was no cover to make a stand nor were there any decent places to hide. Not that it would do them any good as it had stopped raining days ago and their tracks were plain to see. No matter how careful they were they had no doubt been seen by villagers or farmers that led the warriors of Meath to them.

     Arthfael had thought he felt them through the Black Magick two days ago while sitting around the campfire with his four acolytes. The nine warriors they had compelled had no thoughts of their own. Yet the thoughts of men were coming through loud and clear and he could tell they meant him harm. It was his decision to travel this narrow glenn hoping to escape the men he felt on their trail. But obviously that had failed as Judoc rode up fast giving hushed words of warning.

     The small group rode around a turn in the valley and stopped in a grove of oak trees along one side of the narrow road. Even with the stream running noisily on the other side they could hear the men approach on their big coursers and what sounded like a chariot. Around the bend came Thirteen warriors and they were some of the finest of the Tara Stronghold. Arthfael grew concerned because his nine warriors were no match for these men.

     A week after their escape Arthfael became concerned of the condition of the warriors they had enthralled. He noticed they were much thinner than he remembered plus they smelled terrible. They had shat and pissed themselves and went on like nothing happened. He realized the problem immediately. The spell the boys had put them under made them like walking dead men. Their bodies only did the basics to keep them alive. They breathed, they drank rainwater and their heart beat. They did everything the boys ordered like walking, lifting and standing guard all night long. But the boys had neglected to order the men to take care of their basic needs like eating and going to the toilet. After his observation only half the men stood guard each night while the others were ordered to eat, warm themselves around the campfire and sleep. The men had started to regain their health but it was slow going.

     One of the men had even cut himself on the blade of his hunting knife. It was a deep gash on his forearm caused by his knife sheath wearing out along the edge. The man walked along as if nothing had happened trailing a stream of blood. Fortunately Drest saw the injury and wrapped it up to keep the warrior from bleeding to death. After that the boys inspected the men each night to make sure they were well. Arthfael wished at times they had more men so they did not have to worry about losing a few but he was unsure of how many they could control. They were about to find out.

     The young Druids stayed on their horses and put themselves in a circle around the cart while Sergeant Cadeyrn and his men fanned out in a half circle in front of them. They were on foot and faced the riders coming towards them. The boys had been schooled in warcraft  and in sword, spear and shield but they had never fought in a battle before. They were Druids and war had not been their way. Fortunately the warriors standing in front of them were experienced and they could use that as they directed them. Arthfael's only worry was the men were weakened and may not hold up against healthy warriors.

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