Chapter 5

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When the feast ended, Anna followed the other Gryffindors while they followed the prefects. She had been getting used to all the strang happenings around Hogwarts, but never the less, was always surprised when something magical happened.

Like the floating candles she hadn't seen the first time she walked into the Great Hall, she was too nervous to notice anything. The ghosts had appeared during the feast, and Anna had met Nearly Headless Nick, who prefered to be call Sir Nicholas, and was utterly put off her food when she asked how he could be nearly headless. Harry had tried to tell her not to ask, but it was too late.

Every little inch of magic filled Anna with a sense of wonder and awe. She couldn't wait to get her timetable and finally start her classes. It was strange, wanting to start class for once, since she had hated school in every aspect in her past life.

That was another thing, she had scoled herself, telling herself that she ought not to think about her past life now, seeing as she'd chosen to stay at Hogwarts. She still hadn't found out what she'd been transfered to the orphanage for, the moment had been casually broken by Jake.

Dumbledore had said everything would be explained in due time, but Anna, even though majorly patient, was frantic to get more information. She needed to find out why she'd been sent back to Hogwarts, especially at the age of fifteen, as most students came to Hogwarts when they were eleven as she'd found out from Harry.

And yes, Harry was one of the things Anna was most intrigued by. Something about the way he'd almost had a heart attack when he first saw her, made her feel like they had a connection. Not a romantic connection, no, but a different connection. Something strange.

Anna had spent almost the whole of dinner asking him about Hogwarts, which he gladly supplied the answers to. He'd said that he'd lived with his aunt and uncle, the Dursleys and he'd hated it. Before the time he turned eleven, letters had been coming through the post, letter after letter, and owls had been perched outside the Dursleys house.

Harry explained that the Dursleys had known he was a wizard, but thought that they'd be able to squash the magic or something. He let out a laugh at the memory of his Uncle Vernon exclaiming that he loved Sundays, for there was no post, and letters came flying through the fireplace, thousands of them.

So his uncle had decided to move to an isolated island in the middle of the sea, falling back on the superstition that wizards and witches couldn't cross water. But on his eleventh birthday, Hagrid, the new Care Of Magical Creatures Professor, had barged through the door and gave him a cake. 

Harry seemed fond of Hagrid, for he was probably the first friend he'd had in a long time, maybe in his whole life. Anna asked him if he was going back home for the holidays and he just smiled.

"I'm not going home. Not really." 

Anna couldn't help but smile. Hogwarts was going to be her home too, from now on. Harry had introduced her to Ron and Hermione, the two who were walking beside him through the hallway when she first saw him. 

Ron was very friendly, but quite blunt and insensitive sometimes. But he was a nice and good person overall, and most of the things he said made Anna laugh. 

Hermione was also friendly, and very smart. The brightest witch of her age, Anna thought. She explained to Anna about all the classes, telling her of the stuff and spells they did. 

"You'll probably have to catch up a bit, as you missed first and second year. Why did you miss two years, anyway?" Hermione asked her, sounding curious.

Anna thought about telling her some made up story, as she didn't know if she could tell her she was from a different time. But she decided to tell her the partly truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2013 ⏰

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