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Phillip showed me the room I'd be staying in. He placed my suitcases near my bed and propped my guitar case against the wall.

"Enjoy your stay," he said pleasantly with a quick bow before exiting the room with Amelia to show her her own quarters.

I sat heavily on the soft white bed, my head finding it's way into my hands. Words couldn't describe how it had felt to see Charles again. In an instant, every single wall I'd been putting up to get over him over the last few weeks had come crashing down. The feeling had been so overwhelming that I couldn't even hold eye contact with him. There was something strange about the way he was staring at me—it was the look I knew was reflected across my own eyes. A look of 'I'm not really sure how to feel right now'. The only difference was that he looked scared half to death.

My hands itched to do something, so I stood and opened my guitar case, pulling out my Taylor acoustic guitar. It was the only guitar that I had; my parents didn't think that music was important. I had to beg for years to even get it, but it was all that I needed. I've had it since I was nine, and sure it's been through a bit of wear and tear, but it's mine, and it's special to me.

I sat back down on the bed and picked a few notes, relishing in the sound. I strummed my favorite chords, played my favorite scales, before letting my hands take over. I found myself playing a song I knew all too well, one of my favorites. The slow chords sounded beautifully, resonating throughout the entire room. I began to sing words I knew all-too well, about that heart-racing, gut-curling feeling that was too good to be true and would never end well. I was only just getting to it when a knock sounded at my door, like an omen.

"Come in," I called hastily.

I was startled to see Prince Charles enter my room. Automatically, my guards were up; this was the boy who had the power to break me. "Um, did you need something?" The question came out ruder than I'd intended. I mentally scolded myself.

Charles blushed. "Um, yeah, sorry... It's time for dinner."

"They couldn't send Phillip up to fetch me?" I immediately regretted my harsh tone as Charles visibly winced.

"He's getting your sister..." Charles trailed off. "Um, I know I've told you this before but you're really talented..."

Had he heard me through the door? Had he been listening the entire time? Shit shit shit.

I just nodded curtly. "I'll be down in a minute." Charles took that as the sign to leave, so he exited the room with an awkward nod.

I wasn't completely sure why I had been so rude. The fear that he would hurt me had set up my defenses. I didn't want to let him in, because I knew that if I did, I would fall hard. It was inevitable. Everything about him drew me in. It was an unstoppable, unexplainable attraction.

To a straight boy.

A straight boy who would be marrying my sister in five weeks.

There was no point in getting my hopes up. There was no point in having feelings for him. In the end, I would just end up getting hurt.

So maybe that was the reason I was acting so strangely. I honestly didn't know.

It was all too much to think about, so I put my guitar in its case and walked reluctantly downstairs. It took a few minutes in the unfamiliar castle, but I found my way to the dining room. Amelia, Charles, the King, and the Queen already sat at the large wooden table. There were a few seats left, but I assumed that this was just their family dining room. Their Grand Dining Room seated about two hundred people, if I remembered correctly from my tour.

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by alicia
Levi wasn't the kind of guy to go around kissing strangers, least of...
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