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After one and a half hours in traffic, I finally arrived home. It was quite a bit of hassle to get away from there. And I'm finally home, at least, whatever you could call home. I'm at Fernando's tiny apartment. I place my back on the sofa and walk to the kitchen and get myself some soda. I sip it and walk back to the living room and sit down. I'm so tired, and it would probably take forever before Fernando would arrive back home. I wonder where Nadia, Julia and Sophie have been around. I'm sure they've been shopping and then stayed in the pub with all the cute guys that were there. I decide to turn on the television to see if anything was there. My mind dis blank until I realise that Fernando has written something in the journal. I extend myself practically so I could reach my back to find the notebook. I try to find the correct page, but the only thing I find were my own words. Where are Fernando's words? I continue to browse throught the notebook, but I just can't find it. And I had been so curious of his words. I start to panic a little, wondering whether I had lost the page or he ripped it out or something. I sigh and get back to the television, but the only things that are on, were pornographic programs, and that I was definitely not in the mood for, so I switch it off.

I decide on a shower, before Fernando returns. The shower was quite pleasant but still Fernando hadn't gotten back. I took one of his shirts, that was far too big for me. I was stupid not to return home and bring a pajama of my own, and the girls hadn't brought enough for me to use either. Or were like Sophie, who sleeps in her underwear. I lie down on bed, close my eyes and wait for Fernando to join me. 

Sleeping was troublesome. I twist and turn and stiill no one returned home and it was deep at night. I sigh and get out of bed, to drink something. The journal lies down next to me on the sofa. It's past 3. I hear the door opening and I hope it's Fernando, because I want to tell him that I lost the note he wrote. I spot Fernando in the door way, and I smile. 

"Did you miss me?" He asks.

"Always," I say and kiss him.

"I'm really tired," he says and releases me from his warm embrace. 

"I understand, come to bed, I'll take care of your coat," I say and he walks to the bedroom and I hang up the coat he had dropped on the sofa to kiss me. It's more like a denim jacket, and I must admit that I don't really like it, but that's his choice. It's probably just me that get cold just thinking about a coat that thin. A small piece of paper falls out of his coat and I pick it up from the floor to look at it. I read the words on the paper in the most familiar handwriting. 

"Will you marry me?"

My eyes somehow start to water as I read the words on the page. I know what they mean, and I know what he is trying to do. I'm not sure what I should answer as we've only known each other for so short and I'd wish he'd waited a little longer. But he's old fashioned, he wants me to move with him to Spain and a marriage would make that easier. I try to stay calm and I walk to the bedroom where he'll probably be waiting for an answer.

i kept thinking ≫ fernando torresWhere stories live. Discover now