Section 11: Circuits

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If you want more information please got to and type the word into the search bar and you find what you are looking for since the words are literally typed, for the most part, as they have it. Some words may not be added on there but they are used so please ask me if you are confused at all.

These are merely definitions, some may get lengthy but that is so it is easier to understand if it is a complicated term. Please enjoy and sorry for this long message before the terms, but it is needed.

If it is in parenthesis, (these thing here), it is not my own words and it is literally copied word for word from the TFwiki so none of the words, unless as stated before in parenthesis, are mine and they go to the respectful owners. They can all be found on the wiki and I have no claim on them except for the fact I am using them in this list here to help others.

Enjoy!~ ( The bold will be the Transformers/Cybertronian terms that will be used. Any questions please ask and I will answer them best I can)


Circuits- are an essential part of the anatomy of mechanical beings, especially Transformers. They regulate a diverse range of functions, not all of which are equally applicable in differing eras of Cybertronian history.

Bio-circuits- not really stated but they are vital to the Cybertronians and health ( From what I know they are lights under the armor and on the from underneath the armor itself.)

Brain circuits- can be known as cerebro- circuits. Brain circuits are vital circuits which maintain a Transformer's intelligence as well as a part of their personality.

Chameleon circuits- are advanced circuitry that allows a Transformer to better disguise themselves from detection by others. like camouflage

Conflict circuits- Apparently the part of a Transformer's brain that decides how to respond to a challenge.

Electro circuits- are a component within Transformer anatomy, but their purpose is unclear. Anti-electrons attack such circuits and cause severe glitches to occur in a Transformer. May refer to other circuits as well.

Equilibrium circuits- control a Transformer's sense of balance. They also prevent Transformers from enjoying carnival rides

Logic circuits- component of Transformer anatomy that is charged with intelligence and reasoning out confusing situations.Implying that another Transformer has no logic circuits is a common (mild) slur on their character.

Memory circuits- component of Transformer anatomy that allows access to memories. They can be bypassed in order to make a Transformer "forget" certain things, such as who their enemies are.

Auxiliary memory circuits- Located in the chest. Transformers may download their memories and personalities to this location.

Morale circuits- when powered up, can be connected to other systems around a Transformer's body to provide a boost to those systems, as well as a feeling of general well-being. Nervecircuits. Some of a Transformer's nervecircuits are found in the head. They are affected by the uploading of circuit boosters, sometimes resulting in paralysis for the user. Chirolinguistics is a form of communication in which the "speaker" stimulates the nervecircuits in the "listener's" fingers, wrist and palm.

Neural circuits- (I'm assuming like brain circuits. Or like how humans have the neural network. Also look at Morale circuits to see more of what they are talking about)

Oral circuits- like voice box. It is unknown how, if at all, the vocal processor and oral circuits are related. They may coexist, or they may be different devices which serve the same purpose.

Personality circuits- what it sounds like

Reason circuits- are a component of Transformer anatomy that governs their capacity to reason. They are evidently distinct from logic circuits

Security circuits- A Transformer's security circuits prevent outside intrusion onto their computers.

Servo circuits- are essential for a Transformer to remain standing. Without them, Transformers collapse as if paralyzed.

Shielding circuitry- In order to better disguise themselves on Earth, Wheeljack installed shielding circuitry into the Autobots. These circuits allowed the Autobots to slide a metal sheet over their Autobot insignias in alternate mode, hiding them from view.

Transform circuits- Part of the transformation cog. ( Tcog) Transform circuits or transformation circuits apparently govern the electronic activation of a Transformer's conversion into any alternate mode(s). Damage to them may make a Transformer unable to initiate a change, or successfully complete one.

Truth circuits- measure and assess the accuracy (or possibly credulity) of spoken statements (kinda like Pinocchio's nose, but more high-tech).

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