Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Why can't life just be about rainbows? Unicorns? Butterflies? Or how about Starships?"

"Because it fucking can't, okay?"

Walking down the streets of New York City on a Friday, I couldn't bother to BE bothered by the honking, or by the crowds, or even by the shitty skyscrapers. My mind was fully focused on getting to my job.

And maybe a little bit was focused on my gay best friend, Theo Brookes. After all, he was complaining about something, but he always complains. So it's normal.

While walking me to work, Theo just saw his Ex in a Cafe, chatting with another male. He was being very dramatic, giving that he and the said ex dated for 2 weeks and they broke up 3 weeks ago. Not to mention the bed banging I heard from my room last night since we both share an apartment together.

Yes. Theo's a gay player. Who would have ever known?

As I walk past a store window, I look at my 5'4" reflection, making sure I look decent and presentable. I'm wearing a black blazer, which compliments my black hair and makes my green eyes more vibrant. Underneath the blazer is a white blouse. And as for pants, I'm rocking a black pencil skirt, showing off my dazzling long legs. Pairing it off I'm wearing a pair of my Jimmy Choo black heels (after all, I do have a shoe obsession. And maybe a makeup obsession).

You could say I'm pretty, or you could say I'm ugly. Honestly, I'm just average.

As for my job, I work as an assistance in an office for the infamous CEO of Telecable, Telecable being the top selling phone. My boss is a prick, the biggest jerk-faced, two-timing asshole I have ever met.

"Hellooo, Stila Banks. Are you still in there? Have aliens came and traded places with you? Oh my gosh, am I talking to an alien?" Theo says, snapping his fingers repeatedly in my face. I was proud to say that I, Stila Banks, had a gorgeous best friend. His 5'10" body was muscular and tan throughout all seasons. His alluring grey eyes and slightly black hair tended to draw in interested females and males. That's why he was a model, because he could draw in almost anyone. The females were of course ignored.

"Shut up you big baby. I'm not listening to you because you are spewing useless insults about that poor guy when you're just going to be screwing another guy tonight." I replied, clearly annoyed with his complaining.

I started walking faster, seeing that it was 5 minutes from 9:00 and if I was late, my boss would literally kick my ass.

"About that. Could you hear me and Jo-"

I saw the large skyscraper in the distance, getting closer and closer, so I started jogging, interrupting his question.

In case you didn't know, jogging in heels was very hard.

"Stila baby, slow the fuck down. What's the worst thing the evil dick head could do?" Theo says as he starts jogging next to me.

"Uhm. I don't know. Fire me? Kill me? Accidently spill his coffee in my lap?" I say, crossing the busy street, making taxi horns go off and cars to swerve. I wave at all the traffic, hoping that would do as an apology.

"Okay. Well, I'm leaving you. Bye girl, have a good day at work. Spit in his coffee!" He yells to me, staying on the same street I just crossed. I waved at him without turning backward, and acting like the professional I am, stopped running in front of the giant skyscraper my stupid boss owned.

I walked inside the building, walking past the extravagant gray marble and heading straight for the elevator. The elevator that was about to close.

Well shit. There goes me acting professionally. I had one minute to get to my desk, and I am not taking those bloody stairs.

"Wait, hold the elevator, please! Important person here!" I yelled, running to the elevator, noticing the hand that was opening the doors for me. "Thank you, I don't know what I would have done if I didn't catch this stupid death machine," I said, breathing heavily because of the death sentence I just gave my body. I was looking at the ground, because well, I'm a sweaty mess. A hot sweaty mess.

"It's no big deal. I'm in no rush." A deep masculine voice says.

My eyes swung to the elevator buttons checking to see if the floor I was going to was pressed. It was, surprisingly, so I looked back down at the ground.

Wow, his shoes. They looked like very expensive shoes. My gaze traveled up his 6-foot body, passing his legs, the legs that looked very good in his suit pants. Past his stomach, if you can even call it a stomach, that was pressed into his collared shirt and his suit jacket. Past his broad shoulders. And up to his beautiful face.

The face of a male angel. A literal gasp came out of my mouth as I looked into his deep, blue crystal eyes. Noticing a smirk taking place on his plump lips, I looked at them closer and realized they were what a male Kylie Jenner lip challenge end result would look like, except without the redness and the obvious signs of the lips being fake. They were normal. They were there since birth, I could tell. His smirk was growing wider. I looked at his hair, which was brown with blonde streaks. Streaks that weren't from hair dye.

The elevator dinged, signaling that we were on our floor. Signaling that we could get out. All I could do was stare at him as he walked out of the elevator. Suddenly he turned around.

"Uhm. Hey. I'm assuming this is the floor you were going to. Are you going to get out?" Mr.Perfect says, wearing the same smirk he wore 30 seconds ago.

I mumble incoherent things, stepping off the elevator and rushing to my desk. I looked at the clock and realized I was one minute late. I groaned, knowing I'm going to get into so much trouble for being just 60 seconds late, 60 fucking seconds.

Great, Mr.Asshole is going to make this day a living nightmare.

Speaking of the devil....



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Thank you :)

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