Twenty One - Nine plus ten

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^^^ Aria's dress ^^^


Twenty One - Nine plus ten

Aria's POV

"Who votes we grab him and throw him off a cliff?" I hear someone's voice whisper. Daniel?

"I think we should remove his organs and throw his corpse in a shark tank." Grayson states. "Aria was my movie buddy, not his." he whines.

"They were watching Swan Lake. Yeah, Wilson totally wants her." I hear Cody say.

I slowly open my eyes and hiss when I see the lights are on, "It burns!" I cry and they all just stare at me like I'm a freak.

"Aria, why is Master spooning you?" Vincent asks, his jaw clenching as he says it. I slightly turn my head and see M with his face pressed against my neck, his warm breath fanning my skin.

He has his arm wrapped around my waist, holding my against him. I grin, "I don't know." I state. I actually don't know. I just know I fell asleep, I don't remember the rest.

"Wilson!" Vincent screams and M sqeaks, sitting up.

"I don't know! It wasn't me!" he shouts and then takes in his surroundings. When he realizes what happened his hands block his mouth and he starts talking incoherently. "Oh my, I was holding a girl. It wasn't a dream? Oh bugger. Holy mother of Christ, I was holding Aria." he states and blushes.

Well no shit, Sherlock.

M jumps off the couch, "I-I... I need to go to the loo! Cheerio!" he says and runs off.

I chuckle and flatten my hair to make it neater and Vincent looks down at my clothes, "You're wearing his clothes? Did you guys...?" he asks, seeming slightly jealous.

I chuckle, "No." I state. I definitely didn't do it with M.

*cough* yet *cough*

Vincent sits down on one side of me and Daniel sits on the other and the other guys sit on a separate couch, "So, we didn't get to do anything for you birthday yesterday so we are making it up to you today." Vincent starts explaining.

"We have decided to split it because everybody wanted to take you somewhere so Cody said he will take you now, Grayson wants you after that," I chuckle as Vincent explains, "Charlie said he doesn't really care so he will take you after that, then Daniel will take you. I don't know if M wants to take you but he hasn't been out the house in a while so he probably wants to and then when M does whatever, he has to bring you to a restaurant I booked because by then it will probably be around seven. After supper, you're mine for the rest of the night." Vincent says and winks.

I blush a deep red colour. Either I am really dirty minded or that seemed like... Forget I said anything.

Vincent leans towards my ear and whispers, "Mine."

His voice is rough and deep and it's so sexy and that one word just made my heart race.

I think I just forgot my name. Wait, what's nine plus ten?

He stands up and walks out. "Okay, let's go Aria. Get ready, I'll be waiting outside." Cody says and stands up, walking out. The rest of the guys lean back and switch on the T.V. The credits for Swan Lake roll up and I chuckle as the guys groan.

I change into one of Cody's sisters dresses, it's light pink and goes down to my mid thigh, there is a lace strip separating the top from the bottom of the dress.

I slip on a pair of plain wedges and walk into the joint bathroom, brushing my teeth and hair nod then washing my face like I do every day.

I skip down the stairs and walk outside and I see a sexy, white sports car in the driveway. Cody honks the horn and I run up to the car, sliding into the passenger seat.

He starts the car and speeds down the road and I hold onto the seat, tightly. I don't think holding onto a seat would help if we're in an accident but oh well.

"So, I was thinking we could go get breakfast and then go to the Harry Potter studio, how does that sound?" Cody says and turns to smile at me.

I squeal, "Really? Oh my gosh, that's... Are you shitting me right now?" I start fangirling and jumping up and down in my chair.

Cody just chuckles, "Yeah. So, I was thinking we go to this really cute restaurant that has a view of the London bridge and everything. I'm sure you'll love it."

I grin at him and he keeps his eyes focused on the road.

I'm off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Hogwarts!


Hogwarts is actually such a gross name. Like imagine warts on a hog, I mean they could have used a nicer name.

WARNING : I warn you now, do not Google warts on face!!! Especially while eating popcorn (like I am right now) because you will not like what you see. I am officially scarred (if I wasn't already)

You're probably like WHY IN GODS NAME DID YOU GOOGLE IT!?? And the answer to that is I HAVE NO IDEA! BUT DON'T DO IT!!!!

P.s. I SAID DOOOONNNTTTT DO IT!!! Why in Christ's name would you do it?!?!?? *sighs* I give up with you people.

🍌 вαиαиα ℓσνє 🍌

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