Chapter 20

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“Are you sure about this, baby?” Daddy asked for the umpteenth time, the hint of concern still there no matter how many times I assured him that this is what I want.

“Daddy, I’m positive. We’ve been over this. Cain and Asher need Cayden around and that can only happen if we move. I can’t ask Cayden to quit school and come back here. Since I’ve already graduated college, this is the only solution that makes sense,” I explained, walking around him to get to the closet.

“I don’t want you to get into a situation that you’re not ready for or where you’re getting in over your head.”

“I think it’s a little late for that Daddy. I got in that situation when I found out I was pregnant.”

He chuckled as he realized I was right. He sighed once he calmed down and gave me this sad look, the same one that he gave me when I decided to move to Arizona with Chloe. I closed my eyes when I saw it, knowing that Daddy was about to say something that would make me cry.

“Makenzi, be careful, please. You’re my youngest child, my baby, and I don’t want you getting hurt. You’re only nineteen and you’ve already been through so much, a lot more than I’ve wanted you to. There have been times that I’ve thought that you weren’t going to make it through the things you’ve had to go through, but you’ve surprised me every single time. You’re so strong and I know you’ll continue to persevere and make it through whatever it is, coming out stronger than ever before. Even though I know all that, I still worry about you constantly. I love you Kenzi and I want you to be careful,” Daddy told me, looking straight in my eyes with his hands on my shoulders.

“I love you too Daddy and I’ll be fine,” I choked out through the tears.

Daddy smiled before wiping the tears from my eyes.

“Okay, enough of the sappy stuff. You have packing to do and I have a flight to catch. I’ll see you soon. Bye baby,” he said, pulling me in for a hug.

I wrapped my arms around his torso, laying my head on his shoulder. I smiled as I felt his arms wrapped around me, enclosing me in the warm cocoon that can only come from my daddy. I closed my eyes, relishing in the feeling as I knew I wouldn’t be seeing Daddy that much anymore. Between me moving hours away and him going back to work and travelling, I would only see him scarcely, just like when I was living in Arizona. That thought made my heart ache, but I wasn’t going to dwell on it right then. I had stuff I had to do.

As soon as Daddy walked out the door, Liam walked in. He was at Tristan’s house helping me pack my stuff that I had there. Tegan was in the room that Cayden stays in packing up Cain and Asher’s stuff. Rox, Cayden, and Kasper were at Mom and Daddy’s house, packing up the stuff that I still had there. Most of the stuff there was pictures and little trinkets; stuff that reminded me too much of Cayden and hurt too bad to take when I left for Arizona. Liam took one look at my face and saw the tears gathering in the corners of my eyes and stepped forward, opening his arms and offering me a comforting smile. I stepped into his embrace, grateful that I have such great friends.

“It’ll be okay Kenzi. I promise,” Liam assured me, rubbing my back in soothing circles.

“I know. I don’t know why I’m being so emotional. It’s not like I haven’t left home before,” I said, my voice muffled from where I had it buried in his chest.

“I think the fact that you’re moving in with Cayden has something to do with it. That’s a big change and I don’t blame you for being scared. Don’t deny it Makenzi Marie, I know you’re scared,” he said, laughing towards the end as I started to protest.

“It’s scary how much you know me sometimes,” I said, laughing as I stepped away and wiped my tears away.

“It comes with the territory of being a best friend. Now, let’s get this finished. We don’t have much time left,” he said, pulling my clothes out of my closet and starting to fold them.

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