Chapter IV

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After hearing that little message, Sara thought it was best to stay away from Militia activity

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After hearing that little message, Sara thought it was best to stay away from Militia activity. "Alfred, give me an update of Gotham's most wanted." She said as he appeared on the holographic screen.

"Here we go Miss, there's not much to go on here," Alfred spoke looking. He's right most of these missions, like the bombs the Knight has planted around the city, requires the Batmobile. "We've got more Intel on the missing fire men. There is thirteen remaining as you already begun rescuing three. Didn't you say they were all telling pieces of a story that seems important?"

"You're right, but I will need to rescue more to figure out what they're trying to say, but it seems familiar." Batgirl told Alfred.

"I've got two locations, marked them on your map Miss." He told me before she closed the video and went to the first nearest location.

Firefighter Wyatt is being held hostage by armed thugs on the shipping docks to the East of Panessa Studios. Batgirl made her way taking two separate thugs by surprise, silently. She quickly moved inside the small roofed room where another thug was pacing, quickly dropping to the floor to do another silent takedown, grabbing his gun and pulling it to his neck, making him go unconscious. She then walked a bit up to see that a wooden wall was hiding her from the remaining three armed thugs. She was planning on doing the fear takedown, a move where she hits all her targets quickly before they even notice.

'Let's hope this works,' She thought and quickly moved to action and broke through the weak structure and attacked the thugs quickly. Taking them all out, satisfied with her work Batgirl smirked before turning to Firefighter Wyatt, breaking his bonds before helping him up.

"Thanks Batgirl. Where are the others? Tell me they're okay?" He asked her.

"Don't worry. I'm getting them back." Batgirl told him.

"I shouldn't even be here. I was laid off two weeks ago. Bunch of people were. Government cut backs. Apparently, Gotham doesn't need firefighters anymore. Until this happens, then they want us here, saving lives. At least someone in this place is looking out for us. Thanks." Wyatt told her more of the story.

"Stay here. An officer will come and take you back to GCPD." She told him and he did as he was told and she took off heading for the next firefighter.

Firefighter Norman is being held hostage by the Falcone Shipping Antenna just to the East of the GCPD. Batgirl made her way and landed on a line just above the action. Great there was a brute with them. Batgirl quickly dove in using a fear takedown to minimize the gang. She took down three guys and started to fight them off one by one. She led the brute thug near a hanging lamp and used the environment to take him down as she cut the lamp from the line and smashed it onto the brute taking him out instantly. The other five were no problem and soon they were all handled. She walked over to Norman and cut his bonds and helped him stand.

"Tell me, I need to know, have you found anyone else?" Norman asked Batgirl. "Some of your crew are back at GCPD. They're safe." She told him.

"You don't know how good it is to hear that. Even before tonight, these past few weeks have been hell. Layoffs, fires springing up everywhere-"

"Everywhere?" Batgirl questioned. "Yeah we had more in one week than we see in two months! The Chief stepped up though, we all saw him fighting for jobs, trying to keep us together. These guys, Batgirl... they're all I've got." Norman told her.

"I'm going to find them, I promise. Wait here, an officer is coming for you." Batgirl said.

Now there are eleven more firefighters out there, unless Batman saved some while he was out. This story is slowly coming together but there's no way to piece it together yet. "Alfred, I've rescued the two fire men you gave locations too. Give me an update on Batman's movements on finding Oracle."

He popped up on the screen and spoke, "Let me see, ah yes, Master Bruce was checking out a crash site of the vehicle the Arkham Knight had taken Miss Gordon in. The crash was caused by her in attempt to distract the Arkham Knight. Master Bruce recovered a chip from the sight hidden by Miss Gordon and is now rendezvousing with Mister Fox at Wayne Tower. You should spot them there if planning to join Miss White."

"Will do, thanks Alfred." Batgirl said logging of and used her grapnel gun to head over to Wayne Tower.

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