Chapter 9

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Hey guys! Vickironica here! Apparently a lot of people like this story how does it have like over 500 views what the heck people i cringe at this thing.

Um, I'm actually all out of ideas for this story so if anyone wants to give me any pointers or something i'd greatly appreciate that. Ihaven'twatchedhetaliainlikeayear-

.... Well I just reread my story and cried like 4000 times and it was so bad why do you like this. Now i've got most of the stuff down though.



"We're back!" Allen yelled while jumping through the mirror with Matt.

"Did you bring back the slover?" Ollie asked.

"No we went there and had a picnic. Of course I brought it back." Allen handed the leaves to him.

"Well I hope you enjoyed your picnic." Oliver went off into the kitchen to start the potion.

"... So where did the other me go?" Allen sat down on the couch next to the sleeping dorks.

"He had somevhere to be." Ludwig sighed. "Hopefully he'll be back soon."

"Speaking of which, don't you have somewhere to be, eh?" Matt asked Allen.

"Uh, not really... Why?" He replied, unsure of his brothers question.

"Weren't you hitting on girls a few minutes ago?"

"... I lied."

Matt sighed, used to it. "Of course you did."

Allen asked, "Why, did you need something else?"

"Nope. Just thought you'd want to leave." Matt sat down on the ground and leaned against the wall.

"This world interests me. I really wanna see your England. I could do without a second France though..." Allen mumbled that last part.

"The France in this world is a darling~! And Arthur should be back soon. Alfred went chasing after him. And we're in Canada so they're bound to get cold in about 10 minutes tops." Oliver's voice echoed from the kitchen.

"It's not that cold here. Russia is pretty cold though." Matthew whispered.

"You're both freezing cold!" Allen answered back.

"Nah, just to you bro. You're always saying how "hot" you are, after all." Matt says.

Allen tried to come up with a good comeback, but failed. He growled quietly at his brother, but didn't say anything.

"Dudes! The hero has returned to save the day!!! And I brought Iggy!" Alfred comes bursting through the door, dragging an Arthur behind him.

"It's about time." Matt sighed.

"We went on a nice romantic picnic in the middle of the forest." Alfred said.

"Well I hope you also enjoyed your picnic." Oliver chimed in from the kitchen.

"Also?" Alfred wasn't heard (for once) because of Arthur.

"We did nothing of the sort Alfred! Don't give them the wrong idea! What are you the frog?!" England yelled, then sighed.

"Haha, sorry dude." America smiled innocently.


A while later, the potion was done, and the Prussian twins were awake.

"Alright, so how do you little cupcakes want to do this?" Oliver dusts his hands off, done cleaning the kitchen.

"Vhat do you mean? He's getting his body back, right...?" Gilen whispered, stiff from fear of the future.

"True, but we can also mess with the voices. Gilen can keep it, or I can split it or Gil can have it all, whatever you want. Since you're the same person, it wouldn't affect either of you at all." Ollie waited for their decision.

"He can have all his voice ba-" Gilen was interrupted by Gilbert, who shoved a paper in everyone's faces.

"HE CAN HAVE HALF OF MINE :D" Yes it was in all caps and had the smiley face at the end it's Prussia what did you expect.

"Alright then, that's settled. Hang on, this might hurt a little." Oliver poured a sparkly purple liquid over both of their heads.

Everyone else was staying quiet, not wanting to miss something important that could potentially hurt of of their friends. Even Alfred and Allen.

The whole room was silent, till suddenly the Prussian twins dropped on the ground.

"Vhat's happened?!" Germany yelled, mostly at the British twins.

"Relax, it just knocked them out for a second so their souls can switch places again. They'll be back up in a second- see?" Arthur answered, as Gilen and Gilbert woke up.

"Zhat felt veird... (That felt weird)" Whichever one was in Gilbert's body said. "Hey, vait! I can talk again! JA!" Aaaand that's Gilbert.

Gilen was up, but stayed silent and smiled at his twin. "Hey Vest! Zhe awesome me can finally speak again! I'm so happy! Gilen come here!" Prussia was enjoying his voice back to the full extent. Gilen walked over to him and Gilbert tackled him with a big hug, leaving Gilen even more speechless than usual.

"Ve have zhe body back, so vhat do we do with Gilen now." Germany sighed, trying to look annoyed at his brother's excitement, even though he was glad for him.

Both Gilen and Gilbert froze in spot, which made everyone notice the sudden change in noise. Gilen knew this was coming; he knew he was only going to get tossed aside after they switched bodies again.

Gilbert hugged Gilen once more. "Nein, Gilen is my friend. He's staying with me."

"Well, if that's what you want, then he can stay. Not our place to decide who's friend and enemy anymore!" Alfred patted Allen on the back a little too hard, and Allen was giving him the death glare.

"He could still be a spy, you know. " Oliver suggested.

"I'll take responsibility for his actions zhen!" Gilbert was determined to keep Gilen from any more danger, having bonded in the prison.

Gilen whispered something softly, mostly to Gilbert though. "Danke..."

"Well, well, well. Looks like there's a party going on, and I wasn't invited~!" A voice came from the other side of the mirror, and everyone's head whipped around, recognizing it from the other world.

Everyone took fighting positions, ready to attack at moments notice. "What are you doing here, Luciano?!" Matt yelled.

"Who, me? I've come to join the party~!" Luciano smiled too innocently.

"... But you can't go through the mirror." Matthew whispered, his point obvious.

Luciano punched the mirror softly, and his hand touched the glass. "Well, crap. This is a problem." 

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