Chapter 9

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Yay! Finally got my computer back to working order! Thank god for that! In celebration I bring you another chapter of PC! Anyhow enjoy my lovelies and remember reviews, faves and follows are food for writers and greatly appreciated! Thanks a bunch!

Aria's humor fled as she frantically tried to think of a good answer. No one had ever come out and so frankly asked her about her sexual habits before. To be fair, she wasn't even sure of her feelings on the matter. She'd never tried bondage before and although it seemed tantalizing in the books she'd read, who knew if she would actually enjoy it. With a steadying breath she opted to go for honesty and the same frankness Ascension displayed. "I don't know. I've read about it but never tried it myself."

Ascension tilted his head, considering her carefully. "Would you?"

"Um..." Aria looked down at her plate and played with a chip crumb. "Probably. If I trusted the person I was doing it with." She popped her last chip in her mouth and waited for his response.

Silence stretched until Aria couldn't take it anymore. With a quick swig she finished her milk, happy to have her stomach satisfied, and turned to take her dishes to the sink. He probably thought her weird or kinky for even contemplating being bound during sex but when he had mentioned it her mind had blasted her with an image of Ascension in his imposing NSO uniform with a pair of handcuffs in his hand and an inviting smile on his full lips. Her hormones had sat up like attentive puppies to that imaginary barrage and she'd suddenly realized she wouldn't mind a little bondage with him.

She had almost made it past him when a strong hand gripped her shoulder and spun her around. Ascension stepped into her, forcing her to step back until the counter edge ran into her back. Aria pushed back from the thick chest that pressed against hers, leaning back as far as she could to try to look Ascension in the face.

Ascension loomed over her, his face hard and expressionless. His steely eyes searched her face even as he leaned down and took in her scent. His hand left her shoulder, trailing gentle fingers along the length of her arm until he grasped the plate in her hand and tugged it free. He dropped it casually in the sink, the clatter startling her, before he lowered his gaze to meet hers straight on.

Aria opened her mouth, wanting to ask what the hell was going on but he started before she could.

"I can smell you." Ascension told her, his voice low and dangerous. His eyes closed briefly as he inhaled deeply again and emitted a soft growl.

"S-smell me?" Aria stuttered, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. She was stunned, unable to make sense of his words and actions.

Ascension growled softly and his eyes fired like the glint of a knife. His head tipped, nuzzling his nose through her hair until he could drag it up the length of her neck, breathing deep. "You smell so good. Warm female, sweet blood and wet arousal. It makes my mouth water."

Aria stopped breathing. She got caught on the fact that he could smell her blood only long enough for the fact that he could smell her arousal to sink in. Oh god, he knew! He knew that the mere thought of him made her want to squirm. She felt suddenly lightheaded, grasping his arms above the elbows to keep herself steady.

"Is that sweet wetness for me, Aria?" Ascension asked, voice so low it was practically a purr. The sound went straight down her spine, making her shiver.

"Ascension..." Aria tried to protest but her voice came out breathy and resembled a lusty sigh.

He pulled back to look her in the eyes, moving one of his trapping hands so he could tilt her chin up so she couldn't look away. "Please, Aria, tell me. Be honest. I want to touch you. Your smell is driving me crazy but I don't want to do anything you don't want."

Aria closed her eyes, weighing her options. She could say no and she knew he would let her go. He would back off, possibly even deliver her to the males downstairs to look after. She knew she could say no and take the easy route, ignoring the spark between them and the problems that either sex or a developing relationship between them could cause.

Her heart just wouldn't let her.

"I don't know, Ascension." She told him, trying to give him the honesty he had asked for. "I am attracted to you but I'm not the type to jump into things. Not to mention we hardly know each other."

"We could get to know each other." He reasoned smartly.

Aria couldn't help the wry smile that tugged at her lips. She had to give him that. "We could..."

"So we'll get to know each other before you make a decision." Ascension concluded. His own lips were starting to curl into a wicked grin and his eyes were bright with anticipation.

"Okay." Aria agreed, feeling kind of breathless. For some reason, deciding to get to know Ascension seemed like a much bigger deal than dating any other man. She wasn't sure where this decision would lead but she had to admit to herself she was excited at the idea of finding out more about him.

"Good." Ascension smiled at her and his hands dropped to her waist. He smirked at her gasp as he lifted her easily and popped her butt up on the counter. "I want to get to know your lips first."

As his big hard body pressed close Aria was so stunned she couldn't speak. His hands caught her wrists, circling them and pulling them until they rested on his hips. Then he trailed up her arms and neck to bury his strong hands in her hair. His head came down until his breath ghosted over her lips. He held her face tilted up to his and smiled down at her. "Open your mouth, Aria. I need a taste of you."

She moaned and her eyes drifted closed as his lips met hers in a sweet sensual kiss. She couldn't deny him anything at this moment. His tongue swept across her lower lip and touched the tip of her own. Her hands clenched on the belt that circled his hips and she pulled him even closer.

Ascension growled softly into her mouth and he held her tight to his strong body, his hips nestling into the vee of her thighs. His mouth devoured hers, taking every ounce of passion and every mewling whimper into himself. Dear god, she could kiss this man forever! Even as she thought it he released her mouth and gasped in air, panting with desire.

His hot mouth left nibbling kisses down her jaw, neck and across her shoulder where he tested her flesh with his canines lightly. The slight pain made her whimper and the feel of his wet tongue easing it made her squirm in his hold.

Ascension groaned and breathed deep before he spoke. "Aria... I -"

A knock at the door cut him off and they both glanced toward the door. A muffled male voice could be heard on the other side. "Ascension? Answer the door! Justice is looking for the little female." More knocking ensued.

Ascension growled at the interruption and Aria couldn't help the giggle that burst forth. She couldn't blame him, she really didn't want to go meet with Justice right now, but it was probably better they'd been interrupted before things went a little too far.

"I suppose you should answer that." Aria said, smiling up at him.

Ascension looked down at her and gave her a tight nod. "Unfortunately, yes." He grasped her hips and slid her off the counter top, not letting go until he was certain she was steady on her feet. He leaned down to give her one last kiss before her turned away and stalked toward the door, a snarl tearing through him.

Aria leaned around the side of the fridge to watch him storm away and couldn't help but admire his butt as he did so. It might be moving a bit fast but she was sure the next thing she wanted to know about Ascension was what he looked like out of the uniform.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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