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A/N: Dedicated to EmoUnicorn_ni because her comments are always the cutest and sometimes (everytime) they make me cry of happiness, thank you.


Chapter Twelve


Casper’s thumb was bleeding again.

“You really need to stop doing that.” James finally said, his face with clear disgust.

“Shut up.” Casper hissed but hastily removed his thumb from his face to his side anyway.

It was the first thing either of them had actually said after sitting in silence for a while now. The boys knew what they had to talk about but trying to bring it up and say the right thing was hard. They didn’t know how to start, didn’t know what to say.

James gave a cough.” Erm... would you like a drink?”

He’d already gotten off the arm chair in the corner where he had chosen to sit while Casper occupied the sofa. He hadn’t waited on a reply but headed towards to the kitchen anyway.

As he did Casper realised that he’d never been inside James’ house before. Like never. And James had been in his house a million times but never without Logan and co. James’ house was planned out exactly like Casper’s own, all the rooms were exactly where Casper’s were but of course the exterior was completely different. While his mum was quaint and simple with her porcelain figures lining the walls perched on wooden shelves, with embroidered material draping over the sofas, James’ parents were more modern with their leather sofas, glass coffee table and modern art hanging from the walls. The only similarity he could see was a wall of photos containing James from birth and up.

 “Why is it,” Casper said without thinking, looking at the Davidson family photos as James remerged at the door with  two glasses in both hands,” that we’ve been neighbours for almost sixteen years and I’ve never been in your house before?”

James froze over the glass coffee table where he was placing the cups and turned to stare at Casper his eyes wide with realisation then turned back to the task in hand. He gave a shrug as he focused on placing coasters down followed by the glasses on top. His eyes did not meet Casper’s as he finally answered. “I guess you’ve just never had a reason to come over, I mean, you’ve always hated me.”

“You’ve always hated me!” Casper protested.

James smiled.” Maybe a little but I’ve never always hated you.”

Casper gasped, and in those green eyes he expected trickery or some sort of mockery but they shined absolutely genuine.

And that was weird. Casper’s whole life with James had basically been a lie, the whole time he’d thought James had hated him so he hated him back?

“But...” Casper looked at the ground his eyes shifting around the wooden floor for an answer of some kind,” you stole my Capri-Sun!”

For a moment James stared at the smaller boy in confusion and then it clicked, a sudden wave of memories came over him and he erupted into laughter.

Casper was furious. This was a serious matter, theft was serious and the fact that James had started at such a young age was why he was such an asshole now. Casper told James as much and the bastard only laughed harder, buckling over and holding the armchair as support.

Casper crossed his arms and leaned right into the leather couch in a huff while James’ laughter echoed around the room. It was sort of a nice sound, a soft rumble with slight high pitched hiccups when he ran out of breath which Casper had a instant but strange attraction to as soon as James made it. Casper made a point to silk further each time he heard the sound.

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