Inderdusing charlie to the house

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Hey this is teddy again. Charlie is now 1 and she is getting so big. She weighs 34 pounds, and looks exactly like her mom like when she was born. But that means she is pretty cute because my mom is pretty cute. So charlie is now at the point that she can understand things. For example she understands what a toilet is and not to play in it or not to go in there when the door is shut. Or when to brush her teeth. So now when she asks about things we can tell her and she can kinda understand about what we are talking about. I love and hate the age she is at. The reason I hate and love it is because she can be really bad and mysterious and then she can be cute and awesome. She is also to the point were she can reach some stuff in the fridge and in the cabinets so we catch her all the time eating stuff in the living room and getting it everywhere like all over the couch and floor so then I would have to take the blame and clean if up for her because she is to cute to blame. So she would just sit back and laugh at me why I cleaned her mess. And had that mysterious look in her face like I am going to do this again so I can make you clean it up. That night she came and gave everybody a hug and decided to sleep with me and take up half the bed and most of the covers. The next morning me and my family took Charlie on a walk and decided to go to the park and get on the swings and go down the slide with her even though I couldn't fit I still had fun with her. You wouldn't Believe that my dad went down the slide with charlie and he got stuck in the slide. After that we went home and we showed her the room she would sleep in because this would be her first time sleeping in her bed like a big girl she was so excited to sleep by herself. She thought that the house was pretty cool. That's my tour around the house for charlie. All I am going to say is good like charlie.

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