In between the missed friend &the not so broken guy

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Second chapter today :D 

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Maya's Pov:

"Hey!" I screamed happily as I answered my phone. I didn't talk to Rose since her wedding and it's been two weeks. Jacob and her went on a their honeymoon right away and I didn't want to disturb their romantic get away with my nonsense.

"I miss you so much." Rose replied immediately with the same cheerful attitude

"Same here, how are you and Jacob?" I questioned even though I saw their romantic posts on Facebook,twitter and Instagram 

"We are amazing, the honeymoon is amazing and the wedding was beautiful." she cheered again and I could sense that she was truly happy

"The wedding was amazing." I agreed yet at the mention of such occasion an image of Ian in a black suit popped into my mind and I tried my best to ignore it.

"You seemed to have fun with Ian, all eyes were on your little friendly banter." Rose replied and her tone became a little colder. Am I not allowed to talk to Ian? Does she still hold feelings for him? and what about her husband, Jacob?

" He was being...well he was being Ian." I felt so awkward informing Rose about Ian. I felt like I was cheating on my friendship with her. I felt bad even though I didn't do a thing. Maybe I feel bad because of that shocking electric feeling I had when he held my hand maybe....

"You hated his personality before" her simple words troubled me and I didn't know if they were accusations of me breaking the girl code or mere observations

"He started talking to me..." I tried to assure her that I didn't do anything wrong

"Just be careful around him. He is a heart breaker." her tone and intention again weren't clear as her voice turned as cold as ever

"I am not falling for him." I announced in a praying tone as I remembered all the tingles and warmth his hand caused as his skin connected with mine

"I just don't want you to get hurt." Rose's tone was now back to her usual caring and friendly nature.

"I tell me when are planing on coming back?" I decided to change the topic because Ian shouldn't matter to me. He didn't even contact me since the wedding. I knew that his overly friendly attitude was just fake.

Rose and I continued to chat for an hour until Jacob finally woke up and they had to go to have their breakfast. It was a regular Sunday for me so I planed to do the usual: lay down on my comfortable couch and watch a movie or two or three...As I started to look for some new Rom/com movies my ringtone "Chains" started to play. 

That song now reminds me of Ian, I need to change it.

"hello?" i questioned answering without checking who is calling me

"Hi" a man's husky smooth voice answered back

" Who is this?" the voice sounded so familiar yet since my attention was diverted to reading one of the movie's summaries I couldn't know exactly who was calling me.

"You already forgot about me, Miss pure?" that stupid nickname  echoed in my head and an image of a smirking Ian painted in my mind.

"Ian, what do you want?" I tried to play it cool and ignore my racing heart beat and guilty thoughts. He is Rose's my consciousness yelled at me.

"A date." He said it so simply yet that word made my world stop spinning, what the hell is wrong with him? why is he asking me for a date? didn't he know that it is against all rules of friendship? 

"Sorry but I have to refuse." My heart pounded painfully for some reason but I ignored it. For Rose, I argued trying to calm my now racing heart. 

"This is a first" he hushed as if to himself

"Sorry Ian." I apologizes but deep down I kept on question why does a stranger has such an effect on me? why can he pull all the right strings and make my heart race like no other?

"What about lunch just as friends." he offered again 

"sorry but..." my words were cut by a deep sigh of his

"Come on May. You just turned me down twice in one minute and I was never turned down." he pleaded again

"If I say yes will you tell me the real reason behind this sudden friendly  attitude?" I dared him because deep down my guts were telling me that even he was hiding something

"I am a man with a broken heart. I am trying to find a shoulder to lean on as I mend my heart. And I remember Rose talking about how you supported her for years, how you are the best friend that a man can ask for and how you helped her through the heart breaks I caused. I just need a friend." Ian completed his speech and now it was my turn to let out a sigh

"Rose told me to stay away from you." I confessed 

"She doesn't trust me anymore but I assure that I have no hidden motives. Just a friendly lunch. Please?" Ian begged yet again

"We will have nothing to talk about." I tried to convince him of forgetting about lunch

"You don't know that." he insisted

"We don't know each other." I tried again

"Rose told me everything about you and I still remember some things about you." he argued stubbornly.

"I changed." I declared

"Then let me see how. Even though I am sure that you are still the same." Ian confidently announced

"You didn't knew me back when we were little." I accused him of lying 

"Then let me get a chance to know the real you." Ian offered for the hundredth time

"Ian, sorry but I need to go." I gave up on trying to convincing him

"It is either you go out with me or I will come over." Ian rushed to say before I tipped to end called icon

"You know where I live? how?" I surprisingly questioned 

"I have my way and you ,Miss pure, you have two hours to get ready and meet me at the french restaurant "Chez Balzac" He amusingly threatened 

"No buts and sorry but now I have to go." he repeated my same line and ended the phone call letting me to groan loudly.

"I hate you Ian Mathews." I yelled letting some of my frustration out as one question controlled my thoughts why me? 

Ian's Pov

She wasn't happy about this date and neither was I. But if I wanted my plan to work then I need her to go out with me or even fall for me so Rose can get blindly jealous and confess about her undying love for me. I needed to use Maya but she is making it so hard. I was never turned down by a girl but she turned me at least ten times in one conversation. She may mean nothing to me but her words kind of hurt my ego? Am I that bad? It is true, I am using her for my own good but it for the sake of Rose and I. Maya will understand when the plan is reviled. She will be happy for me and Rose. I am sure of that. 

Now I have two hours to spare as I wait for my date with Maya. I know that it is going to be awkward but if she is as fun and out going as Rose described it will be all good. I mean back at the wedding her guards were up and she talked shortly but her presence kind of comforted me. Her eyes unexpectedly eased my anger. And her pure and innocent rumble and blush made me smile and laugh...I wonder if her password is still the same?

I shook my head clearing it from all images of Maya and now I had to focus on my one and ultimate goal getting Rose back.

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What will happen on the date?

& will Maya know the true intentions of Ian or fall for his plan?

& thanks again <3 ^-^ *-* 

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