Bully | Neko!Naruto Uzumaki × Female!Reader [AU]

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{DISCLAIMER: I, saigeyissweg do not own Naruto nor do I own any of the characters and everything else I mention from Naruto, all rights go to Masashi Kishimoto. You own yourself. I own any oc's I add in and this fanfiction. Do not copy my work, if you would like to use an idea from this story then please credit to me, or at least ask to use it}

AUTHOR'S NOTE: SORRY IF NARUTO'S A BIT OOC NEAR THE END. Also sorry if I didn't portray Naruto correctly as a Neko, I've never written a character as a Neko before lmao.

Naruto Set




WARNINGS: Violent themes.

[Name] = Your Name

I had walked into school, expecting the worst. I was the new girl, perks of being the new girl? Not a lot of things really, except everyone wants to be your friend. I don't know why this is a thing but apparently it is. All the people who tried to become friends with me just didn't really seem to get me. Out of all the people in my class who came up to me, there was one. One boy. A boy who paid no attention to me, that boy was Naruto Uzumaki, he interested me. I became friends with him but everyone began to avoid me like I didn't exist, actually no, they just avoided me, because I would always get bullied for being friends with Naruto. Apparently he was the laughing stock of the school that no one liked or wanted to even look at, they made fun of me for being friends with him. You see, Naruto was a neko; cat. A kind of half-human/half-feline kind of thing, I don't really know. I heard from a lot of people that sometimes he turns into a cat completely and that's why he misses school a lot but eh, I'll believe it when I see it.
I walked through the school gates, Naruto by my side as always. He had no idea about the bullying going on behind the scenes and I never wanted him to know because I knew he would blame himself. I just wish I was strong enough to fight back so this wouldn't be an issue.
"Oi, [Name]!" I saw the bullies come forward from out of nowhere, the seeming ring-leader of them called out to me. I looked at Naruto and nodded my head at him in reassurance.
"Don't worry, Naruto, we're working on a science project together so they probably just wanna discuss it. Go put your stuff away and get ready for class, I'll meet you at the lockers." I spoke clearly, showing no signs of worry or fear...at least I hope so. Naruto hesitated before nodding and walking off.
"Be safe!" I heard him call out before running off.
Assuming this is going where I think it's going, I'm anything but safe.
"So I see you're still friends with that feline freak," a girl cackled.
"Really, it's a shame. I don't know why you chose him, there were so many people you could've been friends with and yet you chose the abomination."
"Hey! Don't call him that! He's just the same as all of you."
"Oh, shut up, would you?!" The ring-leader shoved me to the ground. "Ohoho, this is gonna be fun. Thanks for coming early." He smiled sickly before punching me in the gut, hard. I coughed and sputtered in surprise. At this point the small group of about five people had surrounded me in a circle, taking turns, one after the other, at taking punches and kicks at me.
A while had passed and I felt light headed. I'd been kneed and kicked and punched in my gut so many times, my head hurt and I just wanted them to stop.
"I think she's had enough, what do you think?"
"Nah, I think she can last another round."
"Ye-" the girl was cut off by a yell.
"Hey! What're you doing to her?!"
"Leave her alone!"
The small group spread out enough and now I could see past them. Naruto was sprinting towards them at an extremely fast pace and jumped on the ring-leader before anyone could comprehend the situation. He was beating them down and scratching them until they scrambled off with their tails between their legs.
"Are you okay?" Naruto asked me, worried.
"Does it look like I'm okay?" I laughed.
"Right, sorry...well, come on, those wounds aren't gonna fix themselves up.

"And...done!" Naruto exclaimed as he placed the last band-aid on my forehead.
"Thanks, Naruto."
"No problem, [Name]!" He smiled brightly, giving me two thumbs up.
"Hey Naruto? Why did you help me? You know...we hardly know each other and...and, you know...um"
"Well, why wouldn't I help you?" He asked rhetorically, I looked down and fumbled around with the buttons on my shirt. "[Name]...do you really wanna know why?" I looked back up to meet his eyes.
"Yeah, I guess."
Before I could comprehend what was going on, I felt a warmth on my lips.
Is he?! I felt my face heat up before I closed my eyes. I slowly brought my hands up to touch his soft cat ears causing him to pull away and giggle.
"What's wrong?"
"M-My ears...they're ticklish..." He muttered and looked down.
"I thought it felt nice to cats when someone touches behind their ears."
"Well...well I don't know! It's just ticklish, okay!" He huffed and crossed his arms. I laughed at his childish behaviour.
My neko...

[EDITED, 25/07/2016]

{DISCLAIMER: I, saigeyissweg do not own Naruto nor do I own any of the characters and everything else I mention from Naruto, all  rights go to Masashi Kishimoto. You own yourself. I own any oc's I add in  and this fanfiction. Do not copy my work, if you would like to use an idea from this story then please credit to me, or at least ask to use it}

Requested to me by @kenzielumbra

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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