Cold Hard Eyes

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What Xavier Rodriguez looks like


Finally it's my turn, I close my eyes and take a deep breath before standing up. I brush imaginary dust off of the front of my skirt, I stand up straight with a look of confidence and walk towards the door. I walk in and see the guy from the elevator sitting at the head of the table. He must be the CEO. I wait for him to tell me to sit down, I don't want to be rude by just doing so. "Please do sit Ms. Williams." I do as I'm told and wait for him to ask me questions. He doesn't even bother to look up from the file that contains my resume and stuff. "I see you studied at Yale University and that you graduated with honor's. You did your Bachelors in Business, am I right?" He states, I try not to fidget. "Yes Mr. Rodriguez." I answer, he nods and flips through some pages.

"Why did you study Business, Ms Williams?" He questions me; I silently gulp and look past him to the view of New York City. "Because Mr Rodriguez, Business has always spiked my interest furthermore I seem to be able to adapt to new things and environments very well. I believe I can do something for your company that can help you." I attempt to keep my voice steady and try keeping the nervousness away. I glance back at him to see the side of his lips twitching, trying to conceal a smile. "Very well  Ms. Williams, be here tomorrow 6am sharp." I resist the urge to break out into a grin, instead and I nod and stand up. "Thank you Mr Rodriguez." I shake his hand before turning around and leaving the building.

I hail a cab and make my way to the garage to pick up my car.

The next morning

I groan and blindly search for the snooze button on my phone, I peel my eyes open and turn my alarm off. I look at the time, 5am. Hmm, I stumble out of bed, still half a sleep. I walk into my bathroom and do my hygiene before walking into my room once again and picking an outfit. I put on a sky blue blouse with a grey pencil skirt, I put my hair into a ponytail and smile at my reflection. I grab an apple to go, I fetch my keys and walk out my apartment door locking it on my way out. I take the elevator down to the car park where my car is, it was finally returned to me after being serviced.

I drive to Starbucks first and get myself a Mocha, I reach Rodriguez Incorporated with 10 minutes to spare. I walk into the elevator and go up to the 30th floor where Mr Rodriguez' office is, I feel my nerves start to kick in but I force myself to look confident. I hear the familiar ding of the elevator causing me to snap out of my trance, I shake all the thoughts away and paste on a smile. I walk out and smile at Lucy. "Go see Xavier, he'll let you know where your desk is and what your required to do but if you have any questions feel free to come and see me." She smiles warmly at me, I nod and proceed towards his office door.

I knock and await his answer, I desperately attempt to keep my mind from drifting off into deep thoughts. "Come in." I push open the doors and walk towards his desk, he looks up. His cold, hard blue eyes piercing through my green ones, his expression shows no warmth just hardness. His facial expression makes him even more intimidating than he already is, I restrain myself from cowering in fear. "Good morning Mr. Rodriguez." His gaze doesn't move from mine, I wait for him to explain my tasks. "You are to do as I say and do it promptly, I do not appreciate tardiness. You will schedule my meetings and proof read multiple contracts. You have your own office which is right next to me, I hate pink so do not wear anything of that colour. Understood?" I blink and nod my head. "Yes sir." He gestures for me to leave, I spin on my heel and make my way out.

I walk towards Lucy and jerk my thumb towards Xavier's office. "Has he always been like this? Cold and expressionless?" Lucy gives me a look of sympathy, she smiles sadly. "No, he used to be the complete opposite but something turned him into a monster. I'm sorry it's not my place to say what did." Lucy says apologetically, I smile. "No worries, I don't mind. Is there anything I should be worried about?" I ask, leaning against the desk. "He likes mocha's with one spoon of sugar, any more than that will make him angry and he is rather short tempered." She states, I smirk and stand up straight. "Well, then we'll get along fine." I say sarcastically before waving towards her and heading off to check out my new office.

I throw open the doors as normally as possible....

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