The Thief of Baghdad (part 2)

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"I'll give you the answers, listen... There was once a king, son of a king and of a hundred kings, his subjects countless, his wealth untellable, his power absolute. And this dog was not a dog... But a youth who lived in Baghdad and became dear to the king, but in those days he was nothing but a little thief..."

Abu, that was his name, one day he was hiding and he saw two poor men who were sadly watching the fish because they had no money to buy it, the fish seller came and told them to go away or he will call the guards, the men looked scared and left to another place... Abu, the young thief, he saw the seller looked to the other side, he jumped and stole two fishes and he threw them on the two poor men, the seller looked to see his fish was stolen, he saw Abu running away so he realized that he is the thief," Catch him, he stole me, he stole me" the man shouted, the people ran after Abu but he was very skilled and escaped them, he climbed high and reached the walls of the castle and he saw the king for the first time...

The horns plays and a wiseman came "Ahmed the king, son of Akbar, grandson of Haroun el Rachid... The great, the illustrious... Lord of the earth, defender of the faith... Servant of the all-highest... But a master of all men... Ahmed the king!" said the Wiseman

The blind begger continues his tell "Yes, I was that mighty man. 365 wives were mine, in my heart there was no love. Fifty palaces, and I had no home. Richest among my subjects, I was the poorest of the poor. Every desire satisfied, I grew empty of desire. And in my whole Kingdom I could find nothing to do, no task, no aim, no purpose, for always my grand Vazir Jaffar stood between me and my people..."

Back then to the time the begger was telling, Jaffar ordered another execution execution, "Why had he to die?" asked the king Ahmed, "He had been thinking my lord and master." Jaffar replied, the king looked surprised "Is it a crime then to think? Are men only need to be ruled by fear?" asked the king Ahmed,

Jaffar replied "Men are evil, hatred behind their eyes, lies behind their lips, betrayal behind their hearts. You will learn one day, great king... That there are but three things that men respect: the lash that descends, the yoke that breaks and the sword that slays. By the power and the terror of these, you may conquer the earth."

"Do I want to conquer the earth?" Ahmed asked, "Then what do you need my king?" Jaffar asked, "I thought I might try to give them happiness." Ahmed replied, Jaffar laughed "Happiness? They are fools, your grandfather knew it, do as he did. One night, when darkness falls leave your palace, go among your people, mix with the crowds, go to their houses... Listen, observe and remember."

"Tonight, Jaffar." said Ahmed, "Tonight, my king." said Jaffar.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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