Defenders (24)

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I was still wearing that ridiculous purple dress, since I didn’t have enough time to change before Aiden barged in on Dex and me. So I was just sitting on one of the seats in the RV, uncomfortably crossing my legs as I waited to get to our destination, wherever that was.

Aiden continued to scowl at me from across the RV, and I was starting to get really sick of it. Honestly, I didn’t care if he was mad at me, but it really annoyed me that he had to continuously remind me how much he didn’t like me.

I shifted my legs, but this did not help me in this uncomfortable dress at all. I tried to move in my seat a little, but this did nothing as well. I was stuck being uncomfortable for the rest of the night until we saved Kristie.

I would have ripped the dress off right then and there, if it was socially acceptable. I was pretty sure Dex would have had a heart attack, too.

“Violet, I brought a change of clothes for you,” Nay suddenly informed me when she saw that I couldn’t take being in this dress much longer, and I let out a long sigh of relief. “They’re in the bathroom.”

I could have hugged her though I knew that wouldn’t have been the best idea. So I just pushed myself up out of my seat and made my may toward the bathroom door.

“Make sure you don’t watch her change, RV,” Hank laughed from his seat, and I made a face at the thought of anyone watching me change, even if it was just a car.

Dex did not seem to like this joke very much. “Yeah, don’t.”

I rolled my eyes and shut the bathroom door behind me, just to make sure that no one would peep at me at all. I then stripped out of the dress and changed into a very comfy t-shirt and pair of jeans.

When I opened the door, I was surprised to see that I was now face-to-face with Aiden, the scowl I was getting used to on his face. I took a step back and nearly tripped over nothing.

“Took you long enough,” he spat, shoving right by me and into the bathroom. “What, do you want me to piss myself?”

I rolled my eyes. “I wouldn’t mind it, to be completely honest.”

My hands were balled into fists at my sides. Aiden had been driving me crazy, and there was absolutely no reason for him to be treating me the way he was. We were going to save Kristie, weren’t we? It wasn’t like we had let her get kidnapped and then forgot about her.

About ten seconds after he entered the bathroom, we suddenly heard him shout. I jumped, since I hadn’t left my spot from in front of the door, and his shouting didn’t stop until I unclenched my hands.

When he opened the door and exited the bathroom, I had to slap a hand over my mouth to stop myself from bursting out into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. Aiden was completely soaked in the front from his knees and all the way up to his chest.

“What happened?” Nay asked him, sounding very uncaring, but I knew she only sounded this way because she wasn’t really surprised that something had gone wrong.

Aiden gave us a look that said we should have known what had happened to him, but he didn’t seem to realize that it wasn’t the most obvious thing in the world. When none of us responded, he explained.

“Water just started spurting out at me,” he growled, staring down at the wet clothes that stuck to his body, “and that includes my piss.”

Anthony was the first to laugh, and then it was followed by Hank, Dex, and me. Nay looked like she couldn’t believe she was surrounded by such idiots, though I could tell that she would have laughed if Aiden wasn’t right in front of her.

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