Chapter 3: The Arrival

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The castle and interior above. Please vote! Thankyou for reading!!

I gape up at the wondrous beauty before me. I don't think I have ever seen something so big yet so detailed, both me and the rest of the girls stare at it with wonder. The ones who were crying before now just gaze, their worries forgotten. But this is our prison now. Where we will spend the rest of our lives, no matter how short it is.

"Everybody out!" A guard yells as we are escorted inside. It really is beautiful here, painting and colourful banners fill the hallways, as well as torches. I even admire the doors, dark oak with handles that are so shiny I could see my face in it! It seems so superior here, compared to my little cottage with its small rooms and creaking, old floorboards.

We are led to a large room filled with small beds and dressers. A small door off to the side reveals the bathroom. Three toilets and sinks with a few tubs where we can bathe. This place is a paradise! This is our prison, but it is a lot better than our previous homes.

We each choose a bed and a dresser. Mine is the closest to the window so I can see the views, they're marvellous, but I didn't doubt they would be. Not in a place like this. I can see for miles I swear; can I even see a small village in the distance? I think I can!

We are allowed twenty minutes to unpack and be settled before we are taken to see the royal family, of whom I am sure very 'excited' to see us. Maybe they are sadistic. What other kind of person takes joy in removing people from their families and homes only to become slaves and wh*res.

A tall red headed girl suggests that we get in a circle and tell each other about ourselves. After all, we will be living together for the rest of our lives.

Her name is Mindy, and comes from the Swiftville village in the Northern areas to the castle. Her parents are blacksmiths and she has a younger brother.

A small, brown haired girl next to Mindy says that she comes from the Western areas to the castle. Her father is the mayor and her mother stays at home to care for the children of the village while the parents are working.

I see that Evangeline is next to that girl, and I stare at her with sad eyes. She had such a future in her village, a loving family and lots of friends. I can reel that her leaving will have a big impact on the village.

Halfway through, several guards march in and order us to follow them. I can see some have lustful eyes towards a few of the girls. I shiver and make a mental note not to be alone near them in the future.

After a few minutes through winding corridors and staircases, we reach a pair of grand looking doors guarded by two men in metal, one of the guards who escorted us here announces, "The Royal Family. Do not stare at them directly. You are slaves, you aren't worthy." And the huge doors open.

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