Chapter 3

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--Jason's Pov--

I had sent a mind message to Aria to come to the meeting place and come to the office.

She arrived three minutes later. 

Which doesn't surprise me. She is always there on time or she's early.

Tim and his Beta, Hayden, and I turned around and I could tell Aria knew that what was gong to be said wasn't a good thing.

I  turned to Tim and I said "Tim. Hayden. This is my second in command, Aria." 

Aria gave a respectful nod to Tim and Hayden and came and stood behind me.

"As you know." Tim said, "The rogue wolfs are traveling in groups."

I nodded and I looked at Aria. I know that any mention of rogues effects Aria. But like the brilliant and awesome person she is, she handled herself well and kept her emotionless face on. 

I gave a nod and I said "That shouldn't be much of a problem. They are no match for a pack of wolves."

"We thought so too. But these rogues are somehow stronger than before. They are quicker and stronger than before. Which means they are bad news." Hayden said.

Tim nodded and he said "They are a danger and need to be killed and gotten rid of."

This was indeed strange. Rogues that are first travelling in groups. And now they are stronger and faster. 

What is making them like this?

I looked at Aria and she held her emotionless face as she usually does when she is helping me with pack business and meetings.

That's what makes her such a good Beta.

Aria nodded and I said "We will keep an extra ear and eye out for them."

Aria's frown deepened and she said "If they even step foot in our territory, they'll soon lose that foot."

Within her tone was anger. And that was expected, for everyone knew what happened last spring with her father dying. 

Tim gave a nod and he said "They passed through our territory just last week. We killed a few but some got away. They even managed to wounded my best warriors."

"We'll make sure that this problem is taken care of." I said.

Aria gave a nod and Tim nodded and he said "Hayden and I will be in touch and my pack will help you if you ever need it."

I gave a nod and Tim and Hayden turned and left.

Aria turned and stared out the window. She had that look in her eyes. The same look that she gets whenever a rogue problem comes up.

"Aria?" I said.

"I am fine Jace." She said flatly, no emotion was in her tone.

Then she too turned and left the room, leaving me alone to ponder on what to do with the rogue problem.

I stood and I walked out of place. Maybe I should go talk to Aria later about this rogue problem. But I'll let her calm down.


I turned around and I saw Alexander and Hunter walking up to me. Their patrol time is up.

"What's the report?" I asked.

"We didn't do anything." Hunter replied.

"Yeah it was totally quiet. And we didn't smell anything either." Alex added.

I nodded and I said "We need to keep patrolling. I just finished a meeting with Tim and his Beta Hayden, and these rogues are faster, stronger and are travelling in groups." 

"No way." Alex said.

Hunter looked at me and he said "How is Aria taking it?"

I looked at him and I sighed. He and along with everyone else in the pack knows how Aria is when it comes to rogues.

"She seemed fine with it." I replied.

"Seeeeemed fine." A voice behind me, made me, Alex and Hunter jump.

I turned around and I saw a grinning Caleb.

I groaned and sighed in annoyance and I said "Caleb! You have got to stop doing that." 

"And never see your reaction to it?" He said with a grin.

I shook my head and I said "Go tell Noah and Alec it is their turn for patrol tonight."

Caleb frowned, looking bummed by me changing the subject, and said "Alright."

His face lit up and he said "Oh! I have a new plan to make Aria laugh and happy!"

We all groaned and Hunter said "They never work. Caleb think about it--"

"I never do." Caleb said and walked off quickly to carry out my order.

I shook my head and I looked at Hunter and Alex. 

"I suggest we all be on top alert. And be ready for practice tomorrow morning." I said.

They nodded and I went off towards my home.

Aria's Pov

I went to my home and I climbed to the flat part of my roof and sat there for a while.

"Can we go for a run?" My wolf asked.

"No, Nina. (That's my wolf's name)" I said.

I didn't feel like running.

I swear I felt a presence behind me and I let out a breath.

"You drop that water balloon on me, Caleb, and it will be the last thing those hands ever touch." I said.

A water balloon flew over my head and I heard it go splat on the ground below.

"Well there goes that idea." He said as he plopped down beside me.

I looked at him and I said "Like all the others?"

He looked at me and he smiled.

"Yeah. But tonight I have another idea." He said.

I groaned and laid down on my back.

I didn't like his ideas. Usually they end up making me feel worse or Caleb getting himself set on fire. 

"And I'm guessing that I have no choice but to go to it?" I asked.

He grinned and said "Yup. And you're going to like it. I am sure of it."

He got up and jumped from my roof. Dumb move I know but he grabbed a tree branch and lowered himself to the ground.

I sighed and I stood and looked around once and then I turned and gripped the edge of the roof and lowered myself into my room. 

I went downstairs and I made myself a grilled cheese and a glass of orange juice. I sat at my table and I took one bite and I heard a sharp howl. 

My head snapped up and I jumped to my feet in a flash. 

"Jason! Did you hear that?"  I said, via mind message.

No response.

Then I got a message.

"Aria! We found five rogues! We need help!" Noah and Alec said at the same time.

I sprinted out of my home and sent a message saying that I was coming.

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