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"And you're sure you're okay to work?" Aaron Hotchner asked Derek Morgan, eying his injuries suspiciously. Lights of blue and red spun around the scene, flashing color on the roads.

An aggravated sigh left Morgan, the agent removing the cloth he had pressed to the cut upon his head. "Hotch, I'm fine," he said. "This ain't about me anymore. He took Quinn. That son of a bitch drugged me and took her!"

Hotch placed a hand on Morgan's shoulder. "I know. We're going to find her. We will." The leader caught his eye. "But I need you to calm down. I know you're upset. Morgan, believe me, I am too. But I need everyone in this. Joseph Lawrence is one of the most dangerous, unpredictable criminals we've ever worked against. I already have one member of the team unstable. I need you with us if you want to find her."

Morgan sighed once more, closing his eyes. "I'm here Hotch. I'm ready."

Aaron almost smiled. "Take your time getting back to Quantico. I'm leaving Callahan and Rossi to investigate further." Derek nodded, wiping his nose.

As Hotch went to walk away, he heard his name called from behind him. Morgan reached into his pocket, pulling out a folded piece of paper. When he handed it to his boss, his eyes darkened. "He left this," he stated, gritting his teeth. "I don't have a clue what the hell it means, but he had to have left it with me for a reason."

Hotch glanced down at the note, eyes scanning over the lengthy writing. It was in the form of a poem, riddle-like taunts etched across the paper. His eyes flashed to Morgan's.

The agent shook his head. "I don't know who Joseph Lawrence thinks he is," Morgan said, gaze meeting Hotch's. "But he's screwing with the wrong team."


When Quinn Carson awoke, she was disoriented.

The ground beneath her shook. Her hands were zip-tied behind her, the plastic tight enough to dig into her skin. Duct tape stuck to her lips, preventing her ability to speak. The only sense that wasn't limited was her sight. Lawrence wanted her to see everything that was occurring.

She was in the back of a car- that much she knew. But where she was, where the car was going or what Lawrence's plan was? That was a different story.

Light flashed through the windows, highlighting the small gashes and large bruises upon Quinn's body. Her arms ached, legs screaming for relief from the three ties holding them together. She closed her eyes, not letting any tears fall from her eyes. She couldn't give him that satisfaction. Not yet.

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