first night

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warning there is smut !!

the next day when you wake up it was' yoongi's' face the first thing you think about which make you sucked as you were yoongi crushed you really know how much you loved him as a fan but now you really see him and talk for hours with him which is not gonna be safe for you any more...;

you wash up and decided to think about your new song this time is not jimin who will gazed you and say waaaaaa daebak very nice your so gifted or it's not your classmates who will encourage you

this time your're in lion's den the one who'll criticize you is yoongi " this one idea make your body shrugged but little bit happy to have this chance

afternoon jimin" comes to your apartment you made coffee and get in a funny conversation with him

"hey you didn't tell me how is" hyung" is he treating you well?, he asked with his bunny look

"yeah i thought he will through me out door but he really can teach me well

also he's kind which was difficult for me to realize in the beginning you answered him"

kind! hyung' !! well maybe but don't expect more "min yoongi hyung" is very isolated he remotes him self because he's that very emotional person i think he saw your talent or he'll never teach you "

i see that "

so i have to go y/N take care don't forget to tell me when you finish the song i wanna be the first one to listen as usual

okayyyy you said leading him to the door

jimin's departure took you back to think about ''yoongi his presence is too strong for you to avoid

you really wanna know about him and wish to have more than an ordinary class because you're not even a friend for him

the Tuesday comes you went to his house with a shaking heart this is your chance to prove your self for this cold human being

when you come in'' yoongi was in his pajamas yet he's face was blade as he did not sleep for long

i really forget about your coming " he murmured

this words really hurts you but you said "sunbae it's okay for me to go if you can't teach me today

"no it's okay you can wait me for 5min i'll be back

he leads you to the living room it was your first time to go in

the room was so s fucking amazing it has a grey color white curtains but you really notice that feminine touch in the room there are some nice tricks in the room's decor as the red accessories and antiques you already remember that you saw that is his room too this touch

yoongi returns and cut the fluent ideas he did not change his clothes just sit down next to you

you wrote the song "he asked with nonchalantly way

"yeah i tried you replied

i'll try to read it now we don't have too much to do today you can go if you want

he said that but you totally understand that he did not mean it when he tightly hold your hand seeing his a beg in his eyes to stay

actually you don't have that strong heart to condone his warm hand

y/N just stay a little bit i really want someone besides me he finished what he said and lay down his tired head on the sofa

"your not okay what's the matter you tried to comfort him but you just find you self cuddling him in your arms

yoongi's lap also was so tender even he holds you in a way you thought you'll never breath anymore ...

his close face to your neck made him easily smell your cologne, you tried to let him butt it's too late because his lips were pushed on yours the way you can't whimper

his kiss was very soft and his lips too very candy and moved slowly on yours making you moaned

you kissed him as well and the interact between you too encourages him to slip his tongue into your mouth ,, and swirled it softly moving his fingers on your back your face reveals a chocked look but you really don't know you can not push him away you just surrendered to his mellowness and softness

yoongi started teasing you using his hand that find a way to you stomach making circles when his fingers snaked down to your thighs very close to your core where he start doing circles you moan and try to stop him " please ''yoongi aa i'm..

he's not listening to you and continue his art while his lips are stuck with yours in a kiss " your such a pretty y/N" you through you head down in pleasure when he grabbed you with his arms on your waist to pull you against him and lifted your shirt over your head ,the need in your core is heightened when you see how he looked at your breast, and nod his head kissing " fuck ! you 're such a tease he moaned between his kisses

you didn't know how to deal with this feeling you just want him as he wants you at the moment nothing else" yoongi suddenly get up taking you in his arm feet around his waist to his bedroom the clothes start to disappear falling into the floor letting you just in your panties yoongi" smiled to you making your body warm-up you gazed him as you wanna him so bad even you just moaned to him to stop which is totally the opposite

he finally reached the sensitive place which was sunk with wetness your scream is clear to hear when his tongue was inside

i 'm.. no .. yoongi plz ,,fuck

are you gonna come "? he asks and starts going back to your mouth

you're a virgin y/Nah, i can feel that" he said his chocking words and hold your hands over your head while he kissed and suck in your neck hardly

i think your teased enough; i'm not gonna be hard with you he said in a romantic way smirked and take his condom from the nightstand next to the bed your eyes were totally fixed in his dick until you feel his hardness into your entrance "it's okay baby i'll be gentle as i can

he whispered on your ear you just stitches your fingers in his back when yoongi is totally in you he gazed you to see if you're okay

"move" you moaned underneath him yoongi started moving slowly "is it hurt "

"well it's not as i was thinking " he continue that and kissed your lips to feel you more "you're so hot baby fuck fuck"

his hips against yours move more that you can feel his upcoming orgasm

finally after the friction you can let it down and lay over the bed gazing him put off his condom yoongi take the middle of the bed and grabbed you to face his chest to feel his warm and tender breath

'' i actually didn't know you're too conservative to keep you virginity for long time

'' it's not about being fogy but i have my reasons don't dare to ask me you murmured'

i'm not "

come here" he replied ,cuddling your body "the song was good i have to declare that when you lifted your head to response him ''yoongi was actually sleeping he's cold face was warm and his lips were too sexy that you can only touch them with your thumb and put on a slight kiss staying there pondered on him sleeping " i love you yonngi " that's the last thing you whispered before you fell asleep as well your emotions were too clear to ignore them you actually can't anymore avoid it

as he was tired "yoongi" slept about 20 hours when he finally wake up on the cold bed because you weren't there you tought that you shouldn't be there when he opoen his eyes and realize what actually happend yesterday

but finally you will meet him if not today it will be tomorrow when the class come

you also felt that having sex with you was nothing special for him as he was just in need but why did you fell for him that's the biggest mistake you will regret it your hole life

the way to yoongi's house was scary this time you were walking with hesitating feet until you reach the door his car is parked outside that you can see he maybe weren't home

Fool.. this isn't one sided Love [yoongi]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora