Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six

Liam was smiling as he neared home. The trip had gone well. He'd made more than enough money off his furs to take the next trapping season off—which meant more time to spend with Emma and their child.

He couldn't wait to see the look on Emma's face when she realized he was home early. It wasn't even dawn yet and she would no doubt still be sleeping soundly.

He hadn't planned on being home until midday but had decided to skip sleep and ride through the night. Not long ago, Liam had been a man who disappeared for days, sometimes weeks at a time, and never told anyone where he was going. Now, the only place he wanted to be was at that cabin with his wife.

As his home came into view unease trickled down his spine. The hairs on his neck stood on end and he pulled Honey to a stop.

The darkness hindered him as he glanced around, but his eyes were fairly well adjusted... adjusted enough to realize that the windows of his cabin had been shattered.

Liam hopped from Honey in a rush and raced onto the porch, slipping in a puddle of something. Liam's stomach churned and a tangible panic began to claw at his gut—a pool of blood was beneath his feet.

"Emma!" Liam cried out as he ran through the open front door. The lamp in the back of the sitting room was burning, casting shadows around the cabin.

There was a bucket full of dishes, the supper scraps were in another bucket. Patrick's pipe, something he wouldn't have left willingly, was sitting on the table.

And blood... blood was smeared across the floor and puddled in places.

"Emma?" Liam's voice was broken and quiet as he went to the bedroom and realized she wasn't there.

What had happened while he'd been gone....Part of him knew exactly what must have happened but another refused to believe it.

Liam had warned the man; had made it clear.....

Had Silas taken her? And where was Patrick?

Liam raced to Patrick's cabin but it was empty, just as he'd thought it would be.

Going to the barn, Liam began to saddle Misty. If Silas thought he'd get away with taken Emma—he had another thing coming.

It was then that Liam realized Colt was gone.

Forcing himself to take several deep breaths, Liam tried to still his racing thoughts and rid himself of the images currently flashing in his mind.

Something bad had happened here, yes, but if Colt was gone that meant Emma must have ridden him out of here. That beast wouldn't have allowed anyone else—much less a mountain man like Silas—ride him.

Liam went back inside the cabin and grabbed the lamp. He took it outside and began examining the tracks. With the help of the light, he was able to determine that Emma and Patrick had both left on Colt's back—though at least one of them had been bleeding fairly heavily.

He also found the dead body of a mountain man beside the tree line and the tracks of two more bleeding men heading up the mountain.

Liam would deal with them later. For now, he needed to get to his wife and father.

He quickly unhooked Honey from the cart, settled her into the barn and finished saddling Misty. Hopping on her back, Liam dug his heels deep and urged her into her fastest pace. He had no idea what he'd find when he reached town but he knew he had to get there quick.

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