Chapter 18: Fire and Ice

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A/N ~ Yes I got a update up! Dont forget to leave me feed back if you enjoyed the chapter!


{Alex's P.O.V}

I woke up feeling warm, too warm. I turn over and see Jordan sleeping soundly besides me. Thats right I let him stay the night.. well no he insisted to stay, I smiled softly looking at him taking in the details on his face. He looked adorable even when asleep, His dirty blond hair really messily laid across his face, his parted lips, ... soft pink kissable lips. I leaned in unable to resist and lightly kissed his lips.

He started to stir awake stretching, then rubbing his eyes open. "Good Morning" He tiredly said. I nearly lost it at how sexy his morning voice sounded, really husky and low. "Goodmorning." I leaned in again pecking his lips, he smiled. I wish every morning could be like this, im even lucky my Mother didnt find out about this secret sleep over cause 1. It was with My bully/Boyfriend who knows what we could of done and 2. she doesnt want me to have weekday sleepovers because of school.

We both got ready but I changed in the bathroom, yeah were both guys and it shouldnt matter but im self conscious about my body compared to his witch is probably totally ripped. I entered back into my room without knocking thinking Jordan would be done dressing by now but oh how I was so wrong, There he stood in white basketball shorts, thats it, JUST SHORTS. He turned around and my eyes were blessed with the view of a six pack my face went immediately red realizing I was intruding. "S-Sorry!! Ill just-" I was about to leave into the hallway until I was pulled into his chest, he chuckled. "There is nothing to worry about." He said looking down at me. I kept my eyes on his chest not realizing I was running my hands across his abs and getting every detail. God he was perfect. "I have to put my shirt on now Dork." He grinned kissing my forehead then throwing on a blazing red shirt. He looked so good in everything meanwhile in here in my black skinny jeans and white sweater with my bulky glasses and bed head. 

"Why are you wearing long sleeves? Its supposed to be really humid out today?" Jordan looked at me making me nervous.

Sure it was fall but why did it really have to be this hot and humid still.."I-uh... Just really like sweaters in the fall..." I looked away holding my arm. That was partially a lie, yeah i liked sweaters in fall and winter but I didnt like looking at my scars, it just reminds me of all my fails in life..

"Alex..?'' He held my chin up to look at him. "Scars.'' I said. "Scars? Wait Alex?" He grabbed my arm pulling up my sleeve revealing faint scars and a new one going up my wrist, I heard him inhale sharply. "Alex, I  love you so much.. I dont know why you would do this to your body... but next time promise me instead of using that razor come to me now.. Im here now." Hot tears streamed down my face quickly being wiped away from Jordan, I was embarrassed but happy. I wrapped my armed around him tightly. "I promise." I quietly said almost like a whisper.


We were walking to school hand and hand each step made my nerves rattle. We entered school grounds with our hands still held tightly intertwined, we got looks some disgusted and angered, others shunned us and very few looked at us in awe. My heart was going crazy I stopped at my locker trying to open it but my hand was to shaky to open it thats when Jordan placed his hand over mine calming my jitters a bit, I twisted the combo with his hand twisting smoothly with mine. I opened it and grabbed my binders then shut it. "ill meet you in class." Jordan said heading off to his locker. I quickly went into class waiting for Jordan taking my seat by the usual window spot. 

I glanced over at Emma's seat and she was there with her head down, i couldnt help but feel bad, I dont know whats going on through her head either but im determined to find out if she was mad at me. It was my job to fix my problems and I can fix them on my own. Class was about to start and Jordan came in sitting next to me. 

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