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Zayn's POV

The first day of school rolled round much sooner than I would've liked. Niall, Harry and I have been staying with Louis and Liam for two weeks and now sadly we must attend the actual school.

Truth be told I'm really nervous. The last school I was at I didn't have the best grades or many friends because who wanted to be friends with the dirty abused kid? Of course I was an easy target for beatings as well. Calum was the only friend I have ever known and I'm so thankful that he managed to convince his mum to transfer him here as well.

However, as nervous as I might be, I can't let it show. I know for a fact that Harry and Niall will end up crying before going to school because they have both become so reliant on Dad and Papa.

I woke up too early, around 6:30 by someone shaking my shoulders. I groaned and tried to turn around in the bed until I felt a pair of hand grab my waist and drag me out from my top bunk. I finally opened my eyes to see Dad laughing at me.

"Hey! It's not funny!" I shouted as he laughed at my unwillingness to get up early.

"Don't be so grumpy Zaynie! It's the first day of school remember." He said and kissed my forehead as I made my way past him to shower and brush my teeth.

"Exactly." I mumbled under my breath.

Entering the bathroom I quickly showered and then brushed my teeth. I started feeling more awake and alert and made my way into the kitchen where Papa was making pancakes,
Dad was getting drinks sorted and Niall and Harry are sitting at the table, both on the verge of tears.

I sighed and sat at the table next to them. Time to be a good big brother.

"Morning guys! Excited for the first day of school?" I asked as cheerily as I could manage.

"N-not really." Niall sniffed.

"Why not bud?" I asked.

"'Cause we won't see Daddy or Papa!" Harry added to the conversation.

"But you'll see them tonight! Plus I bet you'll have so much fun at school and make lots of new friends. Niall, my friend Calum's room buddy is in your year. He's called Luke and his buddies are Ashton and Michael, same as Calum so they all live together, kinda like us." I offered.

"But Zaynie, what if people are mean to us?" Niall whined.

"Then you tell me and I'll sort -"

"What Zayn is about to tell you is that you'll tell a teacher, or me and Daddy and we'll sort it out through the school." Papa interrupted as he sat down at the table, glaring at me.

"Yeah, that's what I meant." I added and he smiled at me.

"Boys, it's natural to be worried on your first day, but remember all of the teachers are lovely and if you need anything I'm just in the college building and Daddy works at the nursery." Papa said.

"B-but I'll m-miss you." Harry cried and Louis pulled him onto his lap.

"And that's natural too. But I'll see you tonight and then you can tell me all about what you did today!" Papa said enthusiastically.

"O-okay." Harry said and buried his face in Papas shirt.

"Breakfast is ready!" Dad called and we all dug in.

~~~~~~~~~30 mins~~~~~~~~~

Zayn's POV

My hair had dried completely by the time breakfast was finished so all I had to do was put on my uniform. Black trousers, white shirt and green tie. I entered the living room to see Dad helping Niall with his tie.

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