Chapter 23: What if?

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Lexa's POV

"Okay," I breathe out, defeated. "But we have to at least leave some note to Abby. She would be worried."
Clarke cheers loudly and runs to the kitchen. "No problem. We're gonna travel again! Wohoo!"

I can't help but smile. Someone is actually excited to spend more time alone with me. She is. This whole thing is just happening so quickly, yet I have a feeling deep inside of me that I've known the wild blonde for life.

Clarke scribbles something on a little note pad with her left hand and flies away again. She's just running around the house like a crazy, picking various things from all over the place and putting them in already second backpack.

"And here goes the tent.. Thanks god it's in this relatively small pack, it can be fitted everywhere.."

"Can I help you with anything?"

"No, just.. Stand right there and look beautiful, I can do this."

"Oh.. Okay."

She throws the second backpack to my feet and after a while, we're set to go. Clarke assured me million times that we have three blankets in case it gets really cold but just one pillow. "I guess we'll have to share. Pillows are big, they don't fit anywhere," she says. Only thing that is missing is food. And I'm deathly starving.

We don't have a car, Abby is still in work, so we have to take the bus at first. It's full of kids who are on their way to school and we get hit by million different kinds of stares. We have the little kids, sitting in the front seats, giving us the "why are you bringing so many stuff to survive a schoolday" look. We also get the "I want that pillow too to sleep through the whole day" glazes, but mostly the "they are hungover as fuck" stares. But we barely notice any of them, sleeping with one half of our brain.

I think about the previous night. Did I think that was going to happen? No. Definitely no. Was I hoping to? Yes. How do I feel about it? Well, I'm not sure yet. Nothing negative, maybe just the fact that we were both boozed. But it was unforgettable.

"Getting off, dreamy." Clarke's raspy voice wakes me up and I go after her. We're at the train station again. It's bringing back some memories.

"Now I'm gonna go buy the tickets and you can grab some food at Subway," she points to the close fastfood. "And if you're not bothered by it, you can bring me something."

I nod, already turning to go, when I feel light pressure on my cheek. Clarke put there a little kiss before running to buy the tickets, leaving me behind with red face.

.   .   .

We're already on the train, sitting alone in a coupe. We've eaten our sandwiches and now is the time for rest. I don't know where the train is heading but Clarke said we have good three hours to sleep. So I do. I take the whole seat row and Clarke does the same. I'm the one with pillow so it's more comfortable for me. I plug in my earphones and play the old traveling playlist I have from the good old times. It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep.

I wake up at a sound of our coupe door being swift open. Two people, man and a woman are standing in the middle.
"Excuse us, can we sit here?" The tall dark-haired male asks with somehow upset voice.
I look over at Clarke. She's still sleeping, a little drool coming put of her open mouth. She looks so innocent.

I don't say anything, the two of them are already stepping in. So I quickly sit on my one little seat and even though I have a giant urge to shout at them, I'm quiet. It's the worst when you're forced to wake up before you're rested. I look at my phone to see the time. 9:48AM. That means I slept for like an hour.

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