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This chapter was beta-read by: Sakura's Unicorn


Pakkun disappears with the scroll and a message for Tsunade to create a quarantine zone around the bubble. Sarada is not sure how much use that will be, but she supposes in Kakashi's place she would do the same.

Sarada studies him, anxious, and imagines the thoughts going through his head.

Whatever this version of him might pretend to his students, he is not at ease with the idea of heading into a potential trap. A search for a nukanin's hideout is bad enough. Doing so because there may or may not be a homicidal lunatic keeping one of the village's squads captive complicates things even more.

And they'll be travelling with a stranger they know isn't being honest with them, Sarada reflects. Any other shinobi would order his squad to bring her back to the village and then carry out further investigations himself. Thankfully—in a left-handed way—she needs medical attention now, and not in the half-day it would take to bring her back.

Sasuke helps Sarada to her feet, an expression on his face like he isn't quite sure what to do now that they are both standing. That expression becomes more pronounced when she sways on her feet and falls back against him.

You think you're weirded out by this? Sarada wants to ask him. I think I might be taller than you right now! That's weird!

"Here's the deal," Kakashi's voice breaks her out of her thoughts, his tone leaving no room for argument. "We are investigating this place out of no other reason than medical aid. We're not about to go scouting the entire area looking for your squad. Our focus has to be on stopping whatever this chakra phenomena is doing. But if we do come across your squad in the hideout—"

"Everyone wins," she concludes faintly, swallowing.

"Exactly. But if we find nothing, there will come a point where we revisit the issue. And I won't tolerate any more protests from you if we have to return to Konoha."

Sarada frowns, but she doesn't argue; it's the best she can manage now.

"I'll take you. I'm less likely to drop you on the way up," he says, earning a scowl from Sasuke. Though he's made clear his distrust of Sarada, he doesn't like any insinuation that he is weak.

Kakashi strides forward and takes Sasuke's place, hefting Sarada into his arms. He is mindful of her arm as he and the rest of his squad head up the cliffs, and without entirely meaning to, Sarada relaxes into him. Past or present, this is Lord Sixth—Uncle Kakashi—and her mother raised her to feel safe with him.

The way up is fast, and almost comfortable the way he shields her in his arms. She senses him checking on her every few seconds and notes a confusion in his eye he can't quite hide. She supposes she can understand that.

Generally, a ninja being captured or transported by a potential enemy is more prone to fighting, not going boneless in their arms. Twice he looks like he wants to ask her something, but doesn't.

Behind them, Sakura suddenly trips against the cliff face, and Sasuke reaches out the steady her.

"You're supposed to have better chakra control than me," he chides, letting go of her as soon as she gets her footing. "Pay attention."

He continues on as if nothing happened, trailing Kakashi and keeping his eye firmly on Sarada. He's not the only one. Sakura glares in her direction, more pointedly this time, and Sarada hides her face in Kakashi's chest.

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