Chapter 19

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1 Week Later
All of our warriors are leaving today. They are going to Jonathan's territory to get our pack child back. Me and Everest are staying here with two warriors. Dylan and some other dude.

I was holding Everest when Marcus walked in. His eyes were filled with sorrow as he walked over to us.
"We are leaving kitten." He whispered. I nodded my head as my eyes filled with tears.
"Come back to me Marcus. Please." I whimpered. He kissed my forehead then Everest.
"Always and forever kitten. You're stuck with me. I love you." He kissed me and then headed for the door.
"Marcus!" I called. He turned around and looked at me. I put Everest in her crib and ran over to him, jumping into his arms.
"I love you" I sobbed into his chest. "Always and forever."
"I love you too kitten. Always and forever. I'll be back." He whispered into my ear, kissing me.

After Marcus left I put Everest to bed and had the other guard stand outside of her room. Apparently his name is Jordan. Dylan went downstairs with me to make dinner.
"What do you want?" I asked him quietly.
"We should make spaghetti." He said. I nodded and got everything out.
We made dinner and sat on the couch, watching movies. I had taken some dinner up to Jordan but he said no.
"Yes Luna?"
"I'm scared."
"Me too Luna. Me too."

I woke up to Everest screaming and crying. I jumped out of bed and ran to her room. When I opened the door I flipped the lights on and looked around cautiously. Once I noticed the coast was clear I picked her up and sat in the rocking chair.
"Shhhhh baby girl. I've got you." I whispered. I rocked back and forth for awhile until she fell asleep. I looked at her and realized how much she looked like her father.
I put her in her crib and went to my room, picking up the picture of me and Marcus.
Please be okay. I whispered through our mind like.

Marcus's POV
I fought rogue after rogue, but none of them were Jonathan. Where the hell was he? I made it to the house and I could faintly smell Jonathan. I searched room after room until I found where it was strongest. I flung myself against the door and it quickly broke. I looked around and he was gone. His scent was a few hours old. I stood there for a minute, wondering what he was doing when it hit me. Mia. God damn it.
I howled to my pack and jumped through the window. I looked around and saw most rogues dead, the rest were running away. I shifted and looked at my pack.
"Jonathan. He's going for Mia." I growled. The pack howled and I shifted, running for the woods with them behind me.
Hide Mia.

Mia's POV
Hide Mia Marcus's voice came through my head. I jumped up and ran up the steps, bursting into Everest's room. I quickly grabbed her and ran to the basement with Jordan and Dylan behind me.
"This way!" I yelled frantically. We got to a wall and Dylan looked at me weird. I put my hand against the wall and pushed it open. Dylan gawked at me and pointed to the entrance. I shook my head and started running.
"Close it behind you!" I yelled.
We ran down the tunnel until we got to the end. I pushed this one open and we were in a room with a bed and couch. I sat on the couch and cradled Everest against me, listening intently for any movement in the house.

All was quiet for about ten minutes when the front door opened. I put my fingers to my lips and listened.
"Oh Miaaa! Come out darling. Game over. I win." I heard Jonathan's voice. I cringed and put my head down to Everest. I kissed her forehead and just stayed quiet.
Marcus. Please hurry. I whimpered through our link.

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