Those Who Slay...

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Why was this happening?


We ran. We ran faster than any of us had run before.


All of this was absolutely impossible…


We could hear them. Their gasping breaths and rattling moans growing louder by the moment.


… It couldn't possibly be real…


The uneven shuffling that marked their approach, the disgusting smell of rotting flesh that cloaked their bodies… 


They’re coming…





I thought I would never feel fear… 




…I was wrong…



               X   X   X




I didn’t feel like going to school today.


High school was an overall pain in the ass. To me, it wasn't worth a single second of my time. 

Mom had left on her honeymoon with Robert, her new husband, so there wasn’t anyone to force me out of my warm bed. 


This whole thing is stupid. Why did Mom have to remarry anyway? Wasn’t she happy with Dad?


Those thoughts wheeled in my mind for what seemed like the millionth time. Years ago, on my thirteenth birthday, everything had seemed flawless. I had the perfect life, a mother and father who loved me, as well as each other, tons of friends who swore we’d stay ‘BFFs’, and a home sweet home. 


It’s strange how much can change in four years. My ‘happy little family’ illusion was shattered when Mom met Robert. There followed a divorce, and an all-too-soon wedding between Robert Fletcher and Denise Harpers. 


It was already 10:30 by the time I finally threw back the covers and got dressed, though that was only because my stomach wouldn't stop growling. 


I was exhausted. Maybe staying up till 4:00 in the morning wasn’t such a great idea. Shuffling groggily to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and tugged a comb through my dirty blonde hair. I really needed a haircut. My hair was coming to my waist, and the fact that I never bothered to brush it had made it tangled and knotted almost beyond repair.


Frowning at my reflection, I abandoned the comb and made my way to the kitchen. I opened the fridge, hoping to sooth the annoying pangs of hunger, only to find the shelves empty of all things edible. After thorough examination of the pantry, I came to the conclusion that we had no food whatsoever. 

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