Chapter 3- Her Broken Promise

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"Ahhh!" The loud shriek of the princess sent Hak scrambling out of the cover of his blankets with his weapon in hand, and whipping his head around to locate any source of danger.

Instead, the white dragon stood beside Yona, slumped over from exhaustion. His hair was unkempt, with wisps of white strands straying out of their normal tidy rat tail. Leaves and twigs clung to the hem of his robes, and Yona couldn't help but stare at the sight of his dark ringed eyes, and droopy face. "Oh, no! Kija!" She fretted dramatically, recoiling away from him in shock. "Your pretty face!"

"Eh...?" The man replied wearily, raising his human hand to his mouth to stifle a yawn. "Oh, I apologize for my indecency." Hak pulled himself to his feet, with an annoyed expression on his face. He tossed his spear to the grass upon realizing there wasn't actually a threat, and rubbed the sleep away from his eyes.

"Oh, look White Snake! There's a bug on your back!" Yona glared at her childhood friend as Kija suddenly went into a panic, slapping at his back and hopping around as if there were hot coals under his feet. Hak only shrugged in response, as if to say, What? It woke him up, didn't it? Then he turned a blind eye to the man who was shrieking, crying, and flailing his arms wildly in the background, and whistled innocently.

As the princess rushed over to console Kija, a frustrated Yun did his best to study the map laid out before him, even with all the noise surrounding him. When he couldn't take it any more, he narrowed his eyes into a stern glare and addressed the loud bunch. "Listen up, you circus freaks!"

At his demanding tone, Hak, Yona, and Kija all stopped in their tracks, and focused their full attention on him. "We're heading to a village now, so try to be inconspicuous. Especially since we're in Fire clan territory... we can't afford to stand out. Got it?"

A chorus of  enthusiastic "yes's" came from the small crowd. His hands went to his hips, and his leg jutted out in a rather sassy pose as his sky blue eyes scanned the others. He huffed at the sight of crimson  hair trailing out from beneath Yona's hood, a large dragon claw replacing a normal human hand, which Kija was hastily attempting to hide under his sleeve, and the face of ex-general of Wind clan, Hak, who was famously known throughout the territory. He could almost swear there were flashing arrows pointing to each one of them, the words "Weird outsiders" hanging over their heads. Who were they fooling? 

"This is going to be impossible..." Yun grumbled, looking back to his map now that it was quiet. "However..."

They had to try. The hunt for the Blue Dragon could not wait a moment longer. According to intel from people in Kija's kingdom the Blue Dragon once lived in hiding deep within the earth clan territory, but one day the entire village vanished, it's clan members along with it.

Now they had nothing more to go off of than an old legend, the six possible locations Yun had narrowed down on his map, and Kija's senses, which apparently guided him towards the presence and heart beats of his brothers. They didn't have much, but it was a start.

Beside him, Yona clenched her hands into determined fists. Her purple eyes sparkled with the thrill of adventure, and Yun knew she was more anxious to find him than all the others combined. What was she going to do once she brought all the dragons from the prophecy together? What was she planning? "Let's go!" She cried out excitedly. For now, he supposed, her motives would have to remain a secret.

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