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Maude's POV

"I guess that's it, it's officially over. Well it's been official since I announced it on my channel but it's really over now, you know what I mean?!" I laugh softly and look up to Sam, we're the last ones in the office there was a few last bits of this and that to finish for source fed nerd and I didn't want to leave it all for Sam. Sam smiles softly, looking at the ground
"I guess this is good bye then." He says. He looks up and catches my eye,
"Not forever, I am still almost definitely coming back. I doubt this place could run properly without me" I say trying to lighten the mood. I turn away from him towards the table, a mess of papers cover the surface with my laptop sitting open, I close it and try to gather some of the papers. I'm not 100% sure what these papers have to do with what we were working on but some how they managed to get all over the table. I pick up the paper leaving my laptop and turn back to Sam, "Do we even need these?" I ask genuinely confused. He smirks
"You know what, I'll take them and ask someone that'll know. Tomorrow." He gently eases them from my arms and places them back on the table.
"I guess I better get going then." I say, Sam looks at me again as if he's trying to find the right words, "Bye, Sam" I start towards the door but Sam grabs my arm just above my elbow and pulls me back. I almost say something but don't have a chance before Sam interrupts
"I guess we're technically not co-workers and now you're leaving I just can't let you leave without, "
"Without what?" I say interrupting him as he avoids my eyes, his hand still holding my arm, he looks up. "Sam? Without what?" I ask once more.
"Without doing this first" Sam says, he lets go of my arm and places his left hand on my neck caressing my jaw, pulling ever so lightly he presses his lips to mind. His lips were perfect contradictions, they were soft yet rough and careful but reckless, I realise that he's started to pull away, he can't pull away, I don't want him to pull away. I want him closer. I grab his shirt with me left hand and pull him into me, I deepen the kiss our tongues dance to rhythm I didn't know but now I never want to stop. My right hand on the back of his neck, grabbing not too roughly at his hair. My left hand comes up to join the other.
Sam's right hand has found its way to my waist, erasing the remaining gap between us with a rough pull into him.

I stop, breathless, I'm millimetres from his face, our eyes lock, hands still in place. His soft gasps fall onto my lips, I can still taste him.

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