Chapter 3-"Let's Play Trying To Make Your Ex Girlfriend Jealous"

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Chapter 3- let's play trying to make your ex-girlfriend jealous"

I wake up to someone knocking on my door, I groan and open my eyes.

I look at the time 7:15 am, 7:15?

Why didn't someone wake me up earlier?

"Wake up Ana, you'll be late for school", dad says.

"I'm up dad, I'm up", I grumble.

I get off my bed, I walk into my bathroom closing the door. My hair looks like I just got electrocuted and my eyes are swollen, I am definitely not a morning person.

After I finish bathing and brushing my teeth in ten minutes, I open my walk-in closet and take out a pair of jeans and a redshirt. I put on my converse, brush my messy hair into a ponytail then grab my bag and phone. It's 7:28 am, shit Justin will be picking me up.

I run out of my room and down the stairs, I yell, "bye dad!"

He is in the kitchen.

I run out the front door and down the driveway to the house where Justin dropped me. I'm just in time, seconds later Justin comes.

"Morning", I greet him as I climb into the back seat.

He replies, "morning Ana let's go, we don't want to be late, now do we?"

I shake my head and look out the window. When we pull up in the school parking lot, I get out and some girls gasp, they start to whisper.

"No way, I got to tell Stephanie this"

"I bet she slept with him, what a slut."

"I can't be seeing right, Justin and the nerd in the same vehicle and it didn't explode? I am surprised."

"How did she even get into his car? Probably slept her way through."

I shout at the bitches," who you all calling a slut? Because I am sure am not one, and FYI, Justin offered me a ride, I didn't have to sleep my way through nothing, unlike some of you all!"

Justin laughs and high five me, "good one, Ana."

We laugh and walk into the school, I see the rest of the guys.

"Hey, Ana, what's up?" Jordan greets.

I say jokingly, "heaven."

The boys laugh.

"What's down?"

"You wouldn't want to know that, although I would love to show you, meet me in the janitor's closet", he smirks.

I smack him on the shoulder and say, "pervert."

I walk off to my locker. I see Stephanie and her minions talking, looks like it's very serious. Uh oh, she's watching me and frowning, I walk to my locker looking innocent.

"You're blocking my locker", I say to one of the minions.

She watches me and says, "oh am sorry, I don't speak nerd."

I am about to say something when all the cheerleaders start to twirl their hairs. I know exactly who was behind me.

Jordan put his hand around my neck and says, "Hi babe how's it going?"

All the cheerleaders gasp and I roll my eyes.

"You really dating this nerd?" One of them asks.

"Yes, got a problem with that bitch?" Jordan frowns.

She turns pale then shakes her head.

I remove his hand and the cheerleader move from my locker, Stephanie is still trying to process what just happened and shooting Justin flirtatious glances.

When I enter my first class algebra, most of the girls start to whisper. My seat was next to Kyle's own, he smiles at me and some of the girls watch me with jealousy.

I whisper to him, "looking good Kyle."

He flexes his muscle and says, "yeah I work out a lot, do you want to feel it?"

Just to make the girls more jealous, I squeeze it and some actually start to cry.

Can this day get any better?


When lunchtime came, I got my lunch and is about to walk out of the cafeteria when someone shouts my name. It's Jordan, the guys are all sitting by a table, some of the cheerleaders are trying to get their attention.

I walk over where they are and sit between Justin and Jordan who put his hand around my neck again.

"Remove your hand this instant, or else I'll rip it right off its socket", I glare at him.

Justin chuckles and Jordan raises his hand in surrender.

I stuff some chips in my mouth then take a sip of my soda.

Stephanie just finishes making out with her boyfriend and is watching at our table with a frown.

Justin whispers, "let's play, trying to get your ex-girlfriend jealous."

I smirk, "piece of cake."

I slightly push Justin and say loud enough for Stephanie to hear, "you're so funny tin tin."

I laugh and twirl my hair and push out my lips.

Justin takes my hand and rubs his thumb over it, watching me in my eyes, his eyes are so beautiful.

I glance over to Stephanie who looks red and with an angry expression, she storms out of the cafeteria with her boyfriend following behind her.

Justin smirks, "that'll teach her not to cheat on me behind my back, Ana I didn't know you could flirt."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me", I shrug; like Mr. Montez being my father and his wife was sent to jail.

Luke suggests, "I have an idea, Saturday when we go shopping let's take out a picture of us and save it if we continue this and by graduation? We can get a projector and see all the pictures we took out from all of our adventures over the year."

I nod, "that's a great idea and we'll take out pictures and write the date and say where we went for that day."

We'll have a whole album when we're done.


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