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Okay. Don't freak out. You've got this. Your boyfriend who had almost killed you was laying naked in your arms while you both sat in the snow at night. A blizzard was heading your way and he was bleeding out like crazy and unconscious. There was still a hunter in the woods who could or could not be dead and you were the only one who knew.

You sniffled.

Don't. Freak. Out.

Looking down, you placed a shaky hand on Zoro's green hair as he laid face down in your chest, surprised to see drops of water falling on him. Then you realized the water was your tears and you were breathing hard. It was freezing and you were sure Zoro was somehow getting frostbite and no one was around to tell you what to do. 

Just what the hell were you supposed to do?!!

Because right now, you were crying. Crying and staring at Zoro's soft, green hair as he bled in your arms and you were freaking out.

"H-Help..." You blubbered out in a soft voice, looking around with desperate eyes. "H....Help!!"

No one answered. You just sat there sniveling in the snow while your boyfriend was possibly dying and no one was around to help. You were on your own. You could only hug the wolf close and sob into his hair, panicking as you tried to think of a way to fix this. Fuck, you were just some random person who adopted a dog and now you were in such a mess.

You were definitely not adult enough to handle this.

You started to rock back and forth, cradling Zoro as you did so. Nothing was coming to you and you were officially unprepared for this type of situation. Everything was so quiet as you cried, the only thing answering your soft moans for help was the very wind that would possibly mean his death. It wasn't until you noticed how wet and sticky your clothes were that you finally snapped out of your breakdown. 

The sight of Zoro's blood was an unsettling wake up call. His wounds were so horrible looking but it was the slash on his thigh that worried you the most, considering how deep it was. You had to do something, because this was fucking messed up.

"There's no crying in baseball," You muttered, wiping your eyes and snot filled nose before hefting Zoro up. He was so damn heavy. You grunted when you managed to sling his arm over your shoulder before you stumbled into a direction you assumed home was.

You just had to do one thing at a time and right now the first thing to do was to get Zoro some place warm. It felt like forever as you stumbled through the forest with the unconscious man in your arms. You had almost fallen a few times but managed to stand upright, dragging the body over a few fallen trees and dips in the ground you hadn't noticed because of the snow. 

It seemed that the weather was getting worse. Normally you could avoid the ditches, but with the white powder now falling so fast and the wind starting to howl, your eyesight couldn't be completely trusted. Everything was filling up so fast too, the snow that had originally only come up to your ankles was now halfway up your calves and getting taller. It was a relief when you finally saw the lake in the distance and soon the cabin. You realized just how far you had gotten from home and were thankful you had a better sense of direction then Zoro.

House Trained (Werewolf!Zoro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now