Chapter 20 - A familiar Smile

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Katherine's POV

"What do you think happened with Alex and Cara by now ?" I asked placing my head on Ashton's lap as i laid down.

He shrugged , then ran his hand in my hair.

"I hope they figured things out." I said looking at his face, "I hope so." He said looking at me with a smile.

"Since when you know Alex ?" I asked feeling curious all of a sudden.

"I was eleven years old i guess , or maybe twelve when I first met him." He answered.

"Wow , I didn't know that you guys know each others that long." I said feeling surprised.

"How did you guys meet ? " I asked , "Were you in the same class or something ?"

He shook his head , "You know i used to go to a boarding school , Alex used to attend the same school."

"One time i was walking in the playground when i saw two guys hitting Alex , I didn't know him back then but I couldn't handle seeing someone getting beaten so i directly rushed toward him and tried to help him." He said , "But i ended up getting beaten as well." He said with a chuckle probably remembering that day.

I chuckled, "I can't imagine someone beating you."

"I was young , come on." He said glaring at me.

"So what happened after ?" I asked , "So , i took Alex and we went to the nurse , and him being him ,he started flirting with her." Ashton said.

"Typical Alex." I commented pressing my lips into a thin line.

"After that, i knew that one of the guys who was beating him , is his roommate, so we tried to transfer him to another room but there were no empty spaces left , and i was staying in my room alone , so i offered him to stay with me , and since then we became friends."

"We took same classes together , and went to the same college then we started working together." He said with a smile.

"Friendship goals." I commented and he nodded.

"Was he always like this ? Like he can't stay serious for more than five minutes ?" I asked and Ashton nodded. "Kind of." He said.

"Today was the only time I saw him like this ,angry and sad." I said , remembering how sad he looked as he talked about Cara.

"I've seen him in worst situations." Ashton said , his tone and facial expression suddenly changed as he muttered that sentence.

"What do you mean ?" I asked , i didn't like the sudden change in his tone.

He kept silent for a while making me more curious.

"Like i told you , we stayed in the same room." He started , he looked bothered by the thought, "I've seen him trying to .. to cut himself couple of times."

At his words , i directly shot from his lap , my eyes widened , "What ?"

"That's why today , i called him to see why he hadn't came to work yet , when he seemed angry on the phone and i felt that something happened , I directly went to his house , i was afraid he may repeat it again." He said.

In Seven Months (#2) [NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now