Chapter 8

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 Izuku heard the crowd before he saw it, the sound of questions being yelled could be heard a street block away. Curious, Izuku peeked from the side of a building to assess the situation; and what a situation it was, reporters from all sorts of news companies were gathered in front of Yuuei dragging unsuspecting students into impromptu interviews. He watched as Iida was dragged into one such interview, but ignored once he went off on a long, scarily articulate speech. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he turned the corner and walked to the gate.

The reporters spotted him on his way in and swarmed him, practically fighting each other to ask their questions; Izuku couldn't move, there were so many.

"What do you think of having All Might teaching at Yuuei?!"

"What is All Might like as a teacher?"

"Aren't you one of the boys involved in the slime incident a year ago?"

Izuku held his hand up, trying to get them to quiet down. The clamor abated slightly, but some were now murmuring to other reporters about the last question. In his peripheral, he could see other students taking advantage of the newspeople focusing on him to sneak in without getting interviewed. Good for them, they beat the system. "I have no opinion on All Might teaching at Yuuei." Izuku began, pausing for emphasis and to give the other students more time to get on campus. "As for what he's like as a teacher, I wouldn't know that."

A female reporter piped up above the general talk. "Why not?" She questioned, the cameramen turning to focus on Izuku's face, microphones being shoved into his face for his answer.

Izuku allowed the brief stab of annoyance outweigh his anxiety. "Because I'm not in the heroics department." He stated curtly, channeling some of his alter-ego's confidence. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get to class." The crowd parted as he walked past, back straight and eyes level.

Someone grabbed the back on his arm. "We still have que-" the man had started to say, before Izuku whipped around, freeing his arm; he was about to put the man in a wrist-lock, but a teacher appeared out of nowhere. Izuku briefly noted that it was his exam proctor, Aizawa.

The scruffy man gave the reporter an annoyed look, saying, "It's against the law to use force to keep someone in an interview, even more so when the person being interviewed is a minor." The reporters flinched back at the pro-hero's words as I'd scalded by boiling water. Aizawa gave a glance to Izuku then turned around, walking back onto the campus. "Come on, brat, we don't have all day."

The teenage boy wasted no time following after the teacher, jumping in surprise when he heard a resounding bang behind him. Looking back, Izuku saw the gateway was now sealed by several layers of metal barricades."So this's Yuuei's level of security," he murmured, "unreal."

Unseen by the young vigilante, a grey haired man in a black hoodie stood across the street outside the school. "My my, how interesting," he commented, raising a hand to scratch at the scabbing skin on his neck. "What an unexpected pawn."

The school day's regular events were interrupted by class elections, which were an entire ordeal on their own. Everyone in the class wanted to be the president or co-president, and nothing else. Izuku sat back in his chair, observing the chaos that was his class with an air of morbid fascination. He caught Shinshou sneaking to the back of the class, quietly sliding into the chair next to him.

"I feel like we're in a nature documentary." The insomniac said, "This's crazy, our classmates are crazy."

Izuku nodded, watching as the insanity died down somewhat when the teacher told them to behave. Somehow, the class had eventually managed to pick the roles of student council with no injuries and/or casualties. The teacher, worn out from the student's antics, looked ready to cry in relief as they released the students to lunch.

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