One problem after another

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I think this picture is perfect for Tara and Kayden!!! What do you think?

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My world is spinning. What happened? One moment I was dead, the next I was pouncing my father. What a weird day...

My eyes can barely stay open as Finn checks out my wounds from the fight. Kayden is sedated in his bed because he wouldn't leave my side to rest.


I watch as Anthony sings to Amberley, trying to get her asleep. I feel my open wound on my arm start to sting. I hiss in pain and look over to find what's stinging my arm. I see Finn pouring alcohol on my gash and putting the bandage on. I glare at him and he smiles. I swear he could do a part of an evil doctor in a movie.

"You are all cleaned up and good to go. But try not to use your arm too much, it might rip it open again." He says softly.

I nod but have a small frown on my face.

"Finn? What happened to me? I mean...I died. Then I came back with a different wolf! I'm stronger and faster and I-" Finn interrupts me.

"I think I have a reasonable explanation...." He says.

I wait for a response but it doesn't some. I raise my eyebrows and give him the 'answer or die' stare. He sighs and looks at me with tired eyes.

"You're father was a Feramors, right?" I nod and wait for him to continue.

"But your wolf showed no signs of having feramors blood in it. So the only explanation is that your wolf had no feramors blood in it, it was fully werewolf." He says.

I clap my hands,"wow detective, did it take you all night to figure that one out?" (Note the sarcasm).

He shoots me an annoyed look but I just brush it off.

"I wasn't finished." He says angrily.

I nod my head,"then proceed my detective."

He rolls his eyes,"when you died, you were a full werewolf because your Feramors side was buried deep down. So once your regular wolf was out of the picture, your Feramors wolf took over to save your life. You always had your Feramors wolf inside you, but it didn't come out unless you were in danger for you life. So when you and your regular wolf died, the Feramors wolf took over to save your life. So now you are no longer a werewolf, you are a pure blooded Feramors because your regular wolf died when your father slit your throat. In a way, you were reborn." He shrugs at the last sentence.

What? I'm no longer half werewolf and half Feramors? I'm just a..... Feramors? I stare at him, looking for the truth, but what he was saying was the truth. It's the only logical explanation. If any of this is logical... I mean, we're freakin werewolves!

"I guess that makes sense." I mutter.

"Wait so...why didn't me or my father's wolf not look like it did in that book?" I ask.

Finn cocks his head in confusion,"what book?"

"The one at the pack library."

"Oh! You mean that sketch?"


"That was made by a loony old man who claimed to be kidnapped my a Feramors. Of course, everyone instantly believed him because he had four large gashes on his chest. He was just a drunk who rarely left the bar. I think it was stupid to listen to him but everyone else said that it had to be a Feramors. Though, he probably angered the wrong werewolf and got the crap beaten out of him." Finn says.

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