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I let Asena takes form and we join the war of the werewolves and vampires. My senses sharpen and everything slow down a little. I reach out and grab a vampire's neck. I pull him down and break it like he's a stick with loud popping and cracking sounds that fill my ears along with the yelling, screaming, and snarling. I run in my fours, jumping on vampires and ripping out their heads with loud ripping noise. I taste their foul blood on my mouth and I spat it out. Vampire blood are dangerous to wolves, are poisonous and deadly, but they don't seem to affect me.

I howl and my pack howl along, bringing out our battle cries to scare away the enemies. I lung to the vampire, scratching across on his face with all four of my lengthen fingers and drawing blood and skin. He screams of agony and falls to the floor, his hands covering his face protectingly. I finish him off by snapping his neck. I tilt my head up to see Crow flying in, snarling and baring teeth as she fight against her kinds. It confuses a few vampires, but the others were too distracted by the lust of chaos and battles go up against her. She catch me watching her and wink before ripping off the head of the vampire. I nod back and go back roaming my eyes around.

"Paige, why you didn't invite me to a party?" I hear a familiar voice behind me and I turn around to find a young pretty woman with heavy armor vest, black shirt, black skinny jeans, and brown hiking boots. She holds two wicked swords, yet long and dangerous. She has her blonde hair up in half up faux-hawk, making her looks like a warrior with her bright green eyes. I smile wolfishly and say, "Skywar, you're back... And you're cured."

"Nah, it's not really a disease. It's part of the female witch life which we have to go through the Age Shift. It was painful, but at least, I'm more stronger than before. I'm ready for some fights!" She laughs and charge to a large group of vampires, swinging the swords around and cutting their bodies.

I shake my head and find Dad in his beast form, Ferir roaming around, biting off the head and taking down the vampires. He rips off the head of the bulky man and I spot something white behind him.

"Dad! Look out!" I yell out, running toward him as Asena slows down the time more. People around me slowly move and I run by like a thunder. I jump over Dad and push off the leader of the vampires. He stumbles back, but don't fall and he tilts his head so he can see me.

He smugly smirks and stand up, brushing off the dirt off his shoulder and says, "Well, well, well. Look who we have here."

"I wouldn't kidnap the last she-wolf if I were you. I'm not what you think I am." I growl, baring my teeth threateningly.

"Oh, I got myself a girl with fires in her." He chuckles. "We'll see about that, Luna Paige. I had taken every female here on this planet and I will surely take you away from this world. No one will finds you and the dogs will die without love."

I growl again and snap my jaws, moving in circle as he does the same. He continues, "You have grown into a fine woman, Paige. And a powerful beast you have there. You're unlike the others except your father which I had thought I had killed him long time ago. You looks like your mother, you know. I bet you'll scream and beg like your mother did. She's quite a character and I hope you'll scream and beg just like her."

That made Asena howls in anger and takes full control of our body. I feel her push pass me and I stand back in my mind, watching from her view now. She stands up on her hind legs, taller than the white-haired vampire and she howls angrily. She lunges to him, her claws swiping and swinging to catch him, but he moves out of her way and comes up to her side. He has something in his hand and he almost stab it in when she moves to her right and spins. She whack him with her strong tail, pushing him back and yet, he didn't fall.

He jumps high and lands in her back, griping her fur and pulling her, causing her to yelp and falls backward. She lands on the floor, him breaking her fall and she rolls off. We feel something on our back and she reaches over to find a small needle with black and sliver dots of leftover liquid inside it. My heart drops as the thought comes into my mind.


Don't worry, we're immune to wolf-bane. Asena calmly says in our head and I relax.

She stands up again which surprises the white-haired vampire. His eyes widen for a second and he narrows, shaking his head. He growls, "That suppose to stop you. What are you?"

"I'm your worst nightmare." Asena snarls and without a warning, she pounces on him and dig her claws into his flesh, breaking through the material of his clothes.

He screams and sham her against the wall, knocking her off of him and he comes at her with something else in his hand. She dodges, the long craved bone barely nicks her by her left shoulder and she grabs him and throw him through the window. He crashes and falls through it, the glass bringing out the sound of the shattering and a few broken pieces glass scraped him. She jumps through and lands in her four. She stalks toward him as she bares her teeth and clean her mouth free of vampire blood that were dripping from her jaw.

He lays there and he's looking up at her with shock. Then he smirks, "Bye bye. Paige. See you back at my place."

Asena freezes and we both realized we had fallen in his trap. More vampires jump on up from the roof of the pack house, pinning her down as she struggles to fight and get free. But there were too many of them and I try to call Asena to let me in control. And yet, she won't let me back in her form and I shake my head. I don't want her to get hurt, just in case I need her later.

"It's nice to meet you, Paige. And it's time for dogs to be put down." The white-hair vampire smiles and stands up, brushing off the broken pieces of glass from his body.

Asena tries to bite and move, but some of them were holding her down with their powerful strength as the others tied up her mouth and paws with sliver chains. She growls, unable to break the chains. We watch as he approaches her and bents down to meet her eyes. He speaks calmly, "Nighty night and don't let your nightmares consume you."

And with that, he laughs as he injects something else in our body. It draws our energy and I feel my eyes starting to dope. I force myself to keep Asena's awake, but I can tell she's getting tired too. She stops struggling and lays down her head in defeated. She whimpers in our head, I'm sorry that I failed you... I thought I could do it, but...

She trials off when her eyes finally close and I keep on forcing myself to stay awake. All I can see is the darkness creeping in, already made Asena passed out and is trying to make me pass out as well. I push them away and call out my other wolf. It appears that it got Lily too for that I did not get a single reply from her.

I feel hands griping my wolf roughly and a breath gently touches my ear, a sulky whisper that I almost miss before the darkness taken over me.

"You'll be safe, I promise you that." And that voice that had whispered in my ear, I knew it wasn't the white-haired vampire.

It was someone else...

Oooooooooooooh, who is this mysterious person? Why is this person promised Paige she'll be safe? Anyway, I don't really have much to say, buuuuut... I found someone that I have a crush on. He's from Germany and my best friend gave him my number without letting me know about it. And so a few hours later, I got a text from my crush and I was so surprised. Now, I'm trying to get him to warm up to me since we only have history together and the teacher don't let us talk much. Like almost at all. At first, I wanted to kicked my friend's butt, but then, I'm happy that he got my number and I have his.
The Last She-Wolf will be coming to the end soon. Yeah, I know you guys don't want this to end, but I can't write this forever. I have other stories that I want to write down, but there will be another book that has a connection to this one. I don't know when that book will come out, but I'm pretty sure it'll be a long time for it to come out. Also, feel free to send me covers of this book. One of your cover might ends up being my book cover, who knows? I will post them on a chapter where everyone's covers will be shown when I get some of those.
Two updates in one day! Oh yeaaaaaah!
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