Chapter 6

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Cole ^^^^


"It's getting annoying that the Beta is following me everywhere," I complain to Bo as we are sitting in the couch, picking out what movie to watch at night.

Bo coughs, "Cole?"

"Yeah," I answer.

"Is that what he told you? He's not the Beta. I am."

I frown, "Really? Because I thought he was. I mean he looks like the Alpha's second in command."

Bo shoots me the side eye, "Gurl, I am the Beta. As to what Cole is, that is something he'll have to tell you himself. Although, be warned, it is really really complicated."

"I never see you do really any Beta duties," I grin at him, making fun of him. "I mean here you are, watching a movie with me."

Bo rolls his eyes. "Lance doesn't make me do that many things. He lets me do whatever. Maybe some paperwork his lazy self doesn't want to do here and there. Mainly, I pick up slack of the werewolves under me."

I nod, "Interesting, but really boring. Seriously, you guys have no lives."

"That's real nice, Luna," Bo barks out laughing, I smile at him but inside I'm cringing at that title.

After we don't decide on a movie because Bo is too tired to try to even stay awake even though it's only like 9 at night, as he gets up, I quickly ask, "Uh, Bo do you know where the Alpha is now?"  Bo gives me a strange look.

"We have a  basement," Bo says, "you just go downstairs. He's usually there around this time. In his own personal training room because we're all lazy and never the one inside, at least."

"Cool," I say, going to where he directed me.

I swallowed as I walked in Lance's training room. He was punching a punching bag, with no shirt on and shorts. Ohmygawsh. He had a freaking eight pack. His muscular body was so very attractive and it didn't help that his body was glistening with sweat too. 

Okay, wait, whew, focus.

Besides, sweat was only attractive from a distance.

Suddenly, he stops punching and he tenses up, almost as if he felt I was there.

"Hey Lance," I say. It had been two days I got back here. Even though we live in the same house, I haven't seen a glimpse of him at all. I knew he was avoiding me. I mean, I kind of was too, but I hoped the gift I gave was a sort of an olive branch. 

Or what if the gift was so sucky that he thought I hated him because who would gift a bookmark?

He holds the punching bag, expertly not looking at me and asks, "Is something wrong?"

Yeah, you're completely avoiding me, I think I might die because of two other Alphas, and I don't know what I want in my life.

I stare at him for a couple of seconds. It took every fiber of my being to not just oogle at his shirtless, tanned, self.

He furrowed his eyebrows, as if waiting for an answer, and I nodded my head, clearing my throat.

I needed to get a grip.

 "Right. Well. Uh-" why did I want to see him? Did I come here just to see him? I think I did. I was looking at his beautiful blue eyes that literally seemed to glow when I tried to make out the words I wanted to say. "I just-" I took a deep breath. "I just wanted to see you. How you were doing." He is fiiinnneeee.

The Demon Alpha (Stryders #1) - PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now