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Gideon | Carys

I can't believe you hung up on me.

Have fun at the park?

Don't you dare change the subject.

Well, I didn't want to ruin your fun.

You don't know how alone I felt when you hung up. I don't think I liked talking to Jenna as much as I liked texting you.

... really?

Maybe. Maybe not, but you didn't stay long enough to find out.

Was there anything else you wanted from me?

I want to talk like we used to.

With me insulting you and you saying that you don't have the brain capacity to continue our one-sided banter?

There's the old Cupid I know.

Oh shush, you egghead.

If you really knew who I was, you would not be calling me egghead.

I thought we were calling each other what we wished to be but weren't.

Cupid. Are you okay?

What would you describe as okay?

Not sad and moping around like you are now?

Well then. You already know your answer. Isn't that wonderful?

Stop. I don't like this side of you.

Well, I don't like you in general so I guess, we both have something we dislike about each other.

I hate one side of you. You hate a whole person. Is that really the same thing?


Well okay then... So what are you doing?

The usual.

What's "the usual"?

... I'm not sure.

Great. So i'm guessing you're doing nothing.

I guess? But I should really do my maths homework.

Who's your teacher?

Mrs. Penislan. What about you?

Could we possibly be in the same class...?

Shit. I should not have told you this. Ignore what I just said.

... How can you not know this?

Well I'm sorry that I don't make as many mistakes as you do.

Ouch. That's a little harsh to a fragile heart like mine.

Is your hobby stealing hearts?

No...? Why? Should it be?

Because you stole mine.


PSYCHE. You wish. Come on. Ahaha...

Anyway, I need to go so talk to you later?

Um, sure. Text you later then. :)

• • • •

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