Chapters 16-20

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Chapter 16: Christopher

That mark, just like the one in that building in the city I was drawn to the other night. Here it was again, at the top of a mountain. I had no idea who that woman was, but if she knew about the skull and the magic, maybe she could tell me something... Or at least not kill me. I felt a little guilty abandoning Cynthia and Darkeen in the aftermath of the battle, but I needed answers.

As soon as the woman turned away I sheathed my sword and sprinted up the slope to follow her. My heart was still pounding and I was full of adrenaline as I reached the top and spotted the woman walking (no not walking, she moved to gracefully down the mountains steep slope) a little way down. I chased after her, moving as swiftly as possible without tripping and tumbling down the mountain face. I proceeded down through a combination of running and sliding until the slope swallowed out into a thick forest that nearly blocked out all the suns light.

I waited for my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting and squinted ahead to try to spot the woman. I nearly thought I had lost her when I saw the bright blue skull a short distance ahead. I took off again with caution over the uneven ground. I dodged and jumped over boulders and large tree roots, eyeing the blue skull ahead of me with determination. I was gaining on the woman fast, pushing myself harder with every step until I emerged into a clearing.

The clearing was small and covered in short grass that seemed too uniform in length to be natural. Five large trees bordered the clearing equidistant from each other forming a pentagon. I gasped as the color seemed to leave the world around me reducing everything in the clearing to various shades of gray. The spaces between the trees turned pitch black leaving the clearing as the only thing in the world I could see.

A high-pitched sound that seemed to be something between a laugh and a scream echoed through the clearing and in the pitch-black area across from me the symbol of the blue skull began to glow. It grew larger and larger until the woman crossed the veil from dark to light. She was only a few feet from me and as she lowered her hood I could make out the features of her face. She actually looked quite pretty, except for the black eyes and sharp wine-red teeth. She pulled her hair back revealing, no it can't be, two pointed ears. "You're an elf!" I blurted out before I could stop myself.

The woman chuckled softly and looked me over with her black eyes, "Not exactly Christopher. Not in the way you're thinking anyway."

"I just want some answers." I said bluntly, "That mark on your cloak-"

The woman cut me off. "Quiet now young one." She began to pace in a circle around me. "Do you really think I wouldn't know you were following me?" I remained silent. "I expected you to. You want to know about magic and my associates? Well I can start with some basics I suppose. My name is Violet Deseret, however most know me as 'the dark one' due to my abilities and I suppose the color of my eyes as well. My organization 'The Order of the Skull' has its roots traced back many, many, years. Now is your opportunity to ask questions."

At first, I was stunned, her voice seemed to soft and sweet for the harshness of her face. "What do I have to do with any of this?" I asked.

Violet clicked her tongue a few times before answering, "We've had our eye on you for a while now Christopher. Up until now, you've always served as a pawn, as a student, a captain, and even on a quest in which its purpose I'm not sure you understand. Now it is time for you to fulfill your role within our order."

I looked at Violet critically, "How am I supposed to serve a role? I know more about the journey I'm currently on than I do your organization."

"Ah yes, you have a right to be skeptical." she said in a relaxed tone, "However, do you really think it's a mere coincidence you were able to speak to one of the order's ancient elders? Some of our most adept mages fail to speak the ancient language of the spirits." I looked up at her quizzically, "Ha, you probably didn't even realize you weren't speaking English. You began to master the art of telekinesis overnight. That is unusual, even for someone whose blood rages with as much magic as yours. Fate has brought you here. Joining the Order of the Skull is your destiny."

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