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Gabbi always eats alone at the long table with food for more than five. The luxury was uncomfortable as plates after plates of gourmet food were presented. But for that night, Gabbi, for the first time, was presented with more humane options.

"Sorry," Tyler said as he presented her with bags of take outs. She blinked at the bags of different logos. She has always been a small eater, yet they always give with more than she could take.

"Alivia is not here. She's the only one who can cook a decent human meal, and I don't know how she does that. We could only get this."

"Only?" The food has doubled than what Alivia usually prepares. Although she offered to prepare her own meal, she took the initiative back after Alivia looked like she had her job stolen. And so Gabbi, just thanked her every meal. And now that she has been on an errand at the mansion on the west end, for the first time too, Tyler watched her eat along with Koro, screeching from time to time. Gabbi would sometimes lift slices of fruits she has prepared for the bat, and it has become a habit for Koro as her company.

"What does it taste like?" Tyler asked when they opted for nuggets in the box among the fast-food feast.

"It tasted like... meat?" was her unsure answer. She never had the luxury to enjoy food for a long time now. She eats what she was fed with, and that's it. "Haven't you eaten human food before?"

"I did, a long time ago. But I forgot."

She then placed the box in between them. "If you want..."

Tyler shook and slid back the box towards her side. "I do take a bite from time to time, try human food, but they are disgusting. It's like drinking the blood of a rotten corpse."

Gabbi never tasted what he mentioned, but a dreadful image flashed in her head. She somewhat understood. "Tyler, aside from blood, what else do you need?"

"We have human urges too, you know, but a lot stronger. More intensified than humans. So, if we're horny, we'll be super horny. Emphasis on 'super.'" He leaned from across the table, his elbows as support, and whispered. "So be careful with Damien."

"I heard that." The latter was beside Gabbi now and placed a bag of carbonated drinks and juices on the table.

"I know." Tyler grinned. "I'm just warning here."

"I don't know which one you would like." But he opened a bottle of peach and handed it to her.

Gabbi accepted with both hands. "Thank you." She drank, eyeing Damien from the bottle and put it down before she could choke.

"I can't read minds, but I know when people... or vampires need privacy." Tyler grinned, cupped his face, and swayed his head to the music he only knew.

"No, you don't." Damien placed a closed canister in front of him, more careless than to Gabbi's juice. "You don't respect personal space."

"Boo." He pouted and took his share of blood. "Bye, Gabbi,"

She nodded; her mouth was still filled with half-chewed meat. Gabbi made a reluctant parting wave.

"Let's go, Koro." The bat shrieked then followed Tyler out.

Damien occupied Tyler's seat across her, and it was more than hard for Gabbi to swallow the food.

"You don't like it?"

She forced an "I do" and picked another piece. The rest of her dinner was untouched. If she has to, she will plead to store them in the fridge.

She'd glance at him every time she'd take another piece, or chew or drink. He just stared at her, unblinking towards the wonders of the mortal appetite. "So human." Gabbi paused her chewing and continued.

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